Sessions and object lifetimes--Andrzej Krzemieński

How will you move?

Sessions and object lifetimes

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

In this post we will see how C++ object lifetime can be used to control the duration of sessions: time spent owing and using a resource. The goal is to get a better understanding of what tools the language offers for using and sharing resources efficiently...

CppCast Episode 52: with Günter Obiltschnig

Episode 52 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Günter Obiltschnig to discuss the library for IoT C++ development.

CppCast Episode 52: with Günter Obiltschnig

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Günter is the founder of the POCO C++ Libraries and open source projects. He has been programming computers since age 12. In his career he has programmed everything from 8-bit home computers (C64, MSX) to IBM big iron systems (COBOL and JCL, VM/CMS and CICS), various Unix systems, OpenVMS, Windows NT in its various incarnations, the Mac (classic Mac OS and OS X), to embedded devices and iPhone/iPad. He has a diploma (MSc. equivalent) in Computer Science from the University of Linz, Austria.

His current main interests are embedded systems, cross-platform C++ development, JavaScript and, foremost, the Internet of Things. When not working, he spends time with his family or enjoys one of his hobbies — sailing, running, swimming, skiing, listening to or making music, and reading.

CppCon opens Call for Submissions

CppCon has announced its call for submission for 2016. 

CppCon: The C++ Conference

Call for Submission

From the announcement:

The deadline for submissions is May 22nd and the conference face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community and so we invite you to present.


Safe Clearing of Private Data

We often need to store private data in programs, for example passwords, secret keys, and their derivatives, and we usually need to clear their traces in the memory after using them so that a potential intruder can't gain access to these data. In this article we will discuss why you can't clear private data using memset() function.

Safe Clearing of Private Data

by Roman Fomichev

From the article:

So, both gcc and clang decided to optimize our code. Since the memory is freed after calling the memset() function, the compilers treat this call as irrelevant and delete it.

Using C++ Coroutines to simplify async UWP code--Eric Mittelette

The async pattern needed to write UWP apps (or simply "Universal apps") is not so easy to grasp, especially in C++. Eric from the Visual C++ team explains how the experimental Coroutines feature available in Visual Studio 2015 helps simplify async UWP code:

Using C++ Coroutines to simplify async UWP code

From the article:

C++ Coroutines can simplify your async code, and make the code easy to understand, write, and maintain...

C++ Weekly Episode 5: Intro To ChaiScript

Episode 5 of C++ Weekly with Jason Turner.  

Intro To ChaiScript

by Jason Turner

About the show:

In this episode Jason shows some basic getting started with ChaiScript code and goes over some of the more interesting features of the language.

C++Now 2016 Program Highlights: C++17

The C++ Now 2016 conference has a number of highlights this year.

C++ Now 2016 Hightlights

From the program:

C++17 is almost here and C++Now 2016 is offering sessions focused on specific C++17 features. Hear David Sankel on Variants, Nathan Myers on contracts support, and Alisdair Meredith on implementing tuple in C++17.