Video available: Grill the Committee -- CppCon 2016

cppcon2016-grill.PNGCppCon is in full swing, and once again all the sessions, panels, and lightning talks are being professionally recorded and will be available online -- about a month after the conference, because it takes time to process over 100 talks!

However, the team is working around the clock to get the plenary sessions and the Monday evening Grill the Committee panel up as quickly as possible. Here is the Monday panel:

CppCon 2016: Grill the Committee Panel (YouTube)

Panelists: Hans Boehm, Chandler Carruth, Casey Carter, Marshall Clow, Richard Smith, Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, Michael Wong

Summary of the talk:

What would you like to know about the C++ standard? Join us for a panel discussion with the leaders of the C++ standards committee where the audience asks the questions.

Concepts Lite vs enable_if--Andrzej Krzemieński

Why having concepts?

Concepts Lite vs enable_if

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

This post contains quite advanced material. I assume you are already familiar with Concepts Lite. For an overview of what Concepts Lite is, I recommend this proposal. Also, I have found this blog very useful regarding the details of and issues with concepts’ mechanics. One could look at Concepts Lite as three features:

  1. A superior alternative to enable_if (or overload hiding).
  2. The subsumption relation that enables the additional control of partial ordering in the overload resolution process.
  3. A convenient tool for building compile-time predicates that check for valid types and expressions.

In this post I will only focus on the first feature, and try to answer the question, “what do we need Concepts Lite for, given that we already have std::enable_if (and SFINAE)?”

Video available: Bjarne Stroustrup, "The Evolution of C++: Past, Present, and Future" -- CppCon 2016

cppcon2016-stroustrup.PNGCppCon is in full swing, and once again all the sessions, panels, and lightning talks are being professionally recorded and will be available online -- about a month after the conference, because it takes time to process over 100 talks!

However, because of the importance of Bjarne's open keynote announcements on Monday, the team has pulled out the stops to process his video and get it up on YouTube (and maybe soon also Channel 9 for areas where YouTube is not available). It's there now, so if you couldn't be at CppCon on Monday in person, check it out:

The Evolution of C++: Past, Present, and Future (YouTube) (slides)

by Bjarne Stroustrup, CppCon 2016 opening keynote

Summary of the talk:

This is a philosophical talk. It deals with ideals, aims, and ways of approximating those. It deals with practical constraints and risks. It gives short examples. It presents a perspective of what drives the evolution of C++. What is C++ and what it must become over the next years for its success to continue? This involves both social and technical points. Towards the end, I discuss the direction of C++ future evolution, give some opinions, point to urgently needed new features, and discuss how to manage until they are part of the standard.

Vcpkg: a tool to acquire and build C++ open source libraries on Windows--Eric Mittelette

The Visual Studio Team has announced the availability of Vcpkg, a tool which simplifies acquiring and building open source libraries on Windows.

Vcpkg: a tool to acquire and build C++ open source libraries on Windows

From the article:

Acquiring native libraries on Windows is a critical part of the application development process; in our surveys, you told us that 80% of your C++ projects depend on two or more libraries...

CppCon 2015 Boost Units Library for Correct Code--Robert Ramey

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Late registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Boost Units Library for Correct Code

by Robert Ramey

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

I will give a presentation on the Boost Units library.

This library implements a zero runtime facility for performing dimensional analysis checking and automatic units conversion on C++ expressions. I have found this indispensable for coding scientific programs involving a variety of complex physical units. The documentation of the Boost Units library is totally complete and accurate, but totally inpenetrable. I had to spend way too much time figuring out how to use this. By attending this meeting, you're going to avoid this pain and just get the benefit of simpler programs that contain fewer bugs.

CppCast Episode 70: Maintaining Large Codebases with Titus Winters

Episode 70 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Titus Winters from Google, about Google's strategies to maintain a 100M line monolithic codebase.

CppCast Episode 70: Maintaining Large Codebases with Titus Winters

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Titus Winters has spent the past 4 years working on Google's core C++ libraries. He's particularly interested in issues of large scale software engineer and codebase maintenance: how do we keep a codebase of over 100M lines of code consistent and flexible for the next decade? Along the way he has helped Google teams pioneer techniques to perform automated code transformations on a massive scale, and helps maintain the Google C++ Style Guide.