ACCU 2017 Schedule has been published -- ACCU conference committee

The schedule for the upcoming ACCU 2017 conference in Bristol, UK from 2017-04-26 to 2017-04-29 has been published.

ACCU 2017 Schedule

by ACCU conference committee

About the schedule

Again we have very strong C++ tracks this year!

Beside a closing keynote by Herb Sutter, where he wants to make a public announcement on an upcoming C++ development, there will be great C++ talks by members of the ISO C++ committee, other known C++ speakers and new faces to the C++ world.

Four full day tutorials take place the day before the conference, three with C++ content.

So don't forget to register

CppCast Episode 86: Beast with Vinnie Falco

Episode 86 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Vinnie Falco to talk about the Beast HTTP and Web Sockets library.

CppCast Episode 86: Beast with Vinnie Falco

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Vinnie Falco started programming on an Apple II+ in 1982. He did significant work on Canvas, an early 1990s desktop publishing program that starting on the Macintosh. A while later he wrote BearShare - a Gnutella compatible file sharing program. After that Vinnie joined up with Ripple, a company that is developing a global financial settlement network built on top of a decentralized cryptocurrency and its associated ledger. Ripple has graciously given him the opportunity to develop and publish Beast, the HTTP and WebSocket library written in C++ and used in Ripple.

Pros and Cons of Alternative Function Syntax in C++--Petr Zemek

Do you know the trailing return type?

Pros and Cons of Alternative Function Syntax in C++

by Petr Zemek

From the article:

C++11 introduced an alternative syntax for writing function declarations. Instead of putting the return type before the name of the function (e.g. int func()), the new syntax allows us to write it after the parameters (e.g. auto func() -> int). This leads to a couple of questions: Why was such an alternative syntax added? Is it meant to be a replacement for the original syntax? To help you with these questions, the present blog post tries to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of this newly added syntax...