JetBrains Dev Ecosystem survey: key Trends for C and C++

Most interesting findings from this year’s study by JetBrains relating to C and C++.

The Developer Ecosystem in 2018: Key Trends for C and C++

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

It seems that among all the respondents developing in C, 48% have abandoned all unit testing frameworks. This is a hike of 18% compared with last year. In contrast, among C++ developers the abandon rate soared by 20% this year.

The C++17 standard was officially signed last year and is now seeing growing adoption numbers: 18%, compared with 12% last year. However, while nearly half of all respondents who are not on C++17 yet plan to upgrade to one or another new standard, only 8% of those who are not on C++17 yet are considering moving to C++17 in the next 12 months.

Triple trip report from ACCU, C++ Russia and C++Now 2018 – Part 1--Jonathan Boccara

Were you there?

Triple trip report from ACCU, C++ Russia and C++Now 2018 – Part 1

by Jonathan Boccara

From the article:

Going to conferences is a great experience, to learn about your domain and meet people that work in it. Going to conferences can give you tools to write better code.

I’ve had the chance to go to (and speak at) three conferences over a month:

  • ACCU in Bristol, UK at the beginning of April,
  • C++ Russia in Saint-Petersburg, Russia in mid April,
  • C++Now in Aspen, US at the beginning of May.

I haven’t seen many people attending all three of them, so I figured I could make a combined trip report, to give you an idea of what they’re like. And more importantly what you would get by attending either one.

And a huge thanks to the company I work for, Murex, for sending me all over the world of C++!

CppCon 2017: The Nightmare of Move Semantics for Trivial Classes--Nicolai Josuttis

Have you registered for CppCon 2018 in September? Early bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2017 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

The Nightmare of Move Semantics for Trivial Classes

by Nicolai Josuttis

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Assume, we implement a very simple class having just multiple string members. Even ordinary application programmer prefer to make it simple and fast.

You think you know how to do it? Well beware! It can become a lot harder than you initially might assume.

So, let’s look at a trivial class with multiple string members and use live coding to see the effect using different implementation approaches (using constructors passing by value, by reference, by perfect forwarding, or doing more sophisticated tricks).

Sooner than later we will fall into the deep darkness of universal/forwarding references, enable_if, type traits, and concepts.

CppCast Episode 153: Vcpkg with Robert Schumacher

Episode 153 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Robert Schumacher from Microsoft to discuss the vcpkg package manager and more.

CppCast Episode 153: Vcpkg with Robert Schumacher

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Robert Schumacher is a developer on the Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries team and the lead developer for vcpkg. He has previously worked on the MSVC implementation of the Modules TS and is the current maintainer of Cpprestsdk. Besides work, he occasionally indulges in functional programming and arguments about whether inheritance is fundamentally flawed.

C++ Annotated: January - May 2018 -- Anastasia Kazakova

A new edition of C++ annotated, a collection of C++ news by JetBrains C++ team.

C++ Annotated: January – May 2018

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

What's coming in C++20, ACCU, C++ Russia and C++Now trip reports and talk recordings, Simon Brand's C++ tips collection, a bug in GCC, const position (east and west battle), deprecated std::iterator, new releases.

CppCon 2017: EA’s Secret Weapon: Packages and Modules--Scott Wardle

Have you registered for CppCon 2018 in September? Early bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2017 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

EA’s Secret Weapon: Packages and Modules

by Scott Wardle

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

A lot of people hate build systems. What if using a library was just as easy as header-only libraries?

EA has had a Secret Weapon called “packages” for over 14 years. EA's Packages are like Ruby’s Gems or Perl’s CPAN or Rust’s cargo. If you build a package from the package server it will download all of its dependencies.

This talk will be about what we have learned about packages and versioning while building our large AAA games over the last 10+ years. Finally, what do we see for the future, like how will C++ modules fit in?

In detail I will talk about:
-Package layout
-Package server
-Versioning control and packages
-Libraries teams and platform fragmentation
-Packages' effect on large scale architecture
-C++ Modules TS prototypes

Start speaking at Meeting C++ 2018

As it was a big success last year, Meeting C++ has again a track for new speakers, and is looking for folks which like to submit their talk ideas to the conference!

The call for Talks for Meeting C++ 2018 ends on June 17th.

Call for a more diverse program at Meeting C++ 2018!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Last years track for new speakers was a great success, so Meeting C++ will dedicate a track to this now in every year. So I'd like to reach out to the C++ Community, who do you think has something interesting to say about C++ and could start speaking at this years Meeting C++?