Alices adventures in Template Land - Jonathan O'Connor - Meeting C++ 2018
A little different angle on TMP presents Jonathan O'Connor
Alices adventures in Template Land
by Jonathan O'Connor
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 28, 2019 07:35 AM | Tags: tmp templates meetingcpp intermediate c++17 basics
A little different angle on TMP presents Jonathan O'Connor
Alices adventures in Template Land
by Jonathan O'Connor
By Meeting C++ | Feb 27, 2019 06:24 AM | Tags: standardization performance meetingcpp intermediate efficiency basics advanced
Guy Davidson speaking about standardization and algebraic libraries
Standardizing a linear algebra library
by Guy Davidson
By Meeting C++ | Feb 26, 2019 08:57 AM | Tags: meetincpp intermediate efficiency clean code c++11 basics advanced
Arne Mertz presenting at Meeting C++:
Bringing Clean Code to large scale C++ legacy Applications
by Arne Mertz
By Adrien Hamelin | Feb 25, 2019 12:35 PM | Tags: community
ACCU’s Overload journal of February 2019 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.
Overload 149 is now available
From the journal:
Rip It Up and Start Again.
Some things can be resurrected, others cannot. Frances Buontempo wonders when we need to repent and start over.5 Big Fat Reasons Why Mutexes Suck Big Time.
Mutable shared state in multithreaded code is often protected by mutexes. Sergey Ignatchenko reminds us that Re-Actors can avoid many of the problems.A Small Universe.
Writing a programming language is a hot topic. Deák Ferenc shows us how he wrote a compiler for bytecode callable from C++.QM Bites: Understand Windows Operating-System Identification Preprocessor Macros.
Quality matters and bite sized articles help. Matthew Wilson returns with a QM Bites.A Thorough Introduction to Distributed Systems.
What is a distributed system, and why is it so complicated? Stanislav Kozlovski explains.Don’t Use std::endl.
How do you add a new line in C++? Chris Sharpe suggests std::endl is a tiny utility that’s more trouble than it’s worth.
By Blog Staff | Feb 24, 2019 11:10 AM | Tags: None
From the just-concluded ISO C++ meeting:
Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Kona)
by Herb Sutter
From the article:
Per our official C++20 schedule, this was the last meeting to approve features for C++20...
So we now know most of the final feature set of C++20! At our next meeting in July, we expect to formally adopt a few additional features that were design-approved at this meeting but didn’t complete full wording specification review this week, and then at the end of the July meeting we will launch the primary international comment ballot (aka CD ballot) for C++20....
By Ansel Sermersheim | Feb 24, 2019 11:09 AM | Tags: None
New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:
Evolution of Graphics Technology
by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim
About the video:
In this video, we cover the complex history of modern graphics technoloy. We look at the various graphics standards and explain how some of the differences came about between OpenGL, Vulkan, Mantle and Metal.
Please take a look and remember to subscribe!
By Meeting C++ | Feb 24, 2019 09:08 AM | Tags: tools meetingcpp intermediate crossplattform basics advanced
A talk on cross platform C++
Cross plattform C++ development is challenging
by Marc Goodner
By Meeting C++ | Feb 22, 2019 06:43 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate experimental c++17 c++14 c++11 basics advanced
A great talk on how to write reliable code
How to write more reliable code
by Egor Bredikhin
By Adrien Hamelin | Feb 20, 2019 01:12 PM | Tags: community
Were you there?
Cpp On Sea 2019 Trip Report
by Arne Mertz
From the article:
From February 3rd through February 6th I have been in Folkestone, UK, to visit the first C++ On Sea conference.
There must be something in the water on that island that enables them to organize fantastic conferences like ACCUConf and, since this year, C++ On Sea.
C++ On Sea is definitely the best conference I have ever been to, and here’s a little glimpse why I think so...
By Hartmut Kaiser | Feb 20, 2019 06:21 AM | Tags: performance parallelism heterogeneous computing distributed computing c++17 c++14 c++11
The STE||AR Group has released V1.2.1 of HPX -- A C++ Standard library for parallelism and concurrency.
HPX V1.2.1 Released
The newest version of HPX (V1.2.1) is now available for download! Please see here for the release notes. This release is a pure bug fix release that addresses a couple of compatibility problems (in particular with Boost V1.69). We have also included some important improvements that were merged since the previous release.
HPX is a general purpose parallel C++ runtime system for applications of any scale. It implements all of the related facilities as defined by the C++ Standard. As of this writing, HPX provides the only widely available open-source implementation of the new C++17 parallel algorithms. Additionally, HPX implements functionalities proposed as part of the ongoing C++ standardization process, such as large parts of the C++ Concurrency TS, Parallelism TS V2, data-parallel algorithms, executors, and many more. It also extends the existing C++ Standard APIs to the distributed case (e.g. compute clusters) and for heterogeneous systems (e.g. GPUs).
HPX seamlessly enables a new Asynchronous C++ Standard Programming Model that tends to improve the parallel efficiency of our applications and helps reducing complexities usually associated with parellism and concurrency.