December 2014

Quick Q: How do I add elements to a 2D vector of ints?--StackOverflow

Quick A: Index into the desired sub-vector and call push_back.

Recently on SO:

Inserting elements into 2D vector

So I'm creating a class that implements an adjacency list. Currently in my class definition I initialized two vectors:

vector<vector<int>> adjList;
vector<int> neighbors;

and I declared two functions that I plan to use to make it:

bool constructAdjList();
bool insertIntoAdjList(int, int);

It's getting difficult wrapping my head around 2D vectors. I understand that it is essentially a vector of vectors, but I'm confused about how to insert a new value into one of the "subvectors". For example, I am able to create an adjacency list in createAdjList that is empty with the following loop:

for (int i = 0; i < numOfValues; i++){

But how can I say, push_back the value 5 to the 4th vector in adjList, which would be represented in my insertIntoAdjList function as

insertIntoAdjList(4, 5);

I know I can access a specific value in a 2D vector by saying adjList[4][1], but how can I push one onto it?


A quick poll about order of evaluation -- Herb Sutter

A quick Monday poll:

A quick poll about order of evaluation...

by Herb Sutter

From the article:

Consider this program fragment:

std::vector<int> v = { 0, 0 };
int i = 0;
v[i++] = i++;
std::cout << v[0] << v[1] << endl;

My question is not what it might print under today’s C++ rules. The third line runs afoul of two different categories of undefined and unspecified behavior.

Rather, my question is what you would like the result to be. Please let me know... [click for poll]

New optimizations for X86 in upcoming GCC 5.0 -- Evgeny Stupachenko

Fresh on the Intel Developer Zone blog:

New optimizations for X86 in upcoming GCC 5.0

by Evgeny Stupachenko

From the article:

Part 1. Vectorization of loads/stores group.

GCC 5.0 significantly improves vector code quality for load groups and store groups. By loads/stores group I mean iterated consecutive sequence of loads/stores. For example:

x = a[i], y = a[i + 1], z = a[i + 2] iterated by “i” is loads group of size 3


The most frequent case where loads/stores groups are applicable is array of structures.
  1. Image conversion (RGB structure to some other) ...
  2. N-dimentional coordinates. (Normalize array of XYZ points) ...
  3. Multiplication of vectors by constant matrix: ...

... GCC 5.0:

  1. Introduces vectorization of load/store groups of size 3
  2. Improves load groups vectorization for all supported sizes
  3. Maximizes load/store groups performance by generating code that is more optimal for particular x86 CPU...


Facebook Flint: Public domain C++ lint

Some months ago Facebook brought their C/C++ Facebook-Lint (Flint) analyzer into public domain and made it available on Flint provides a lint framework and a number of C++11/14 style rules that we have found useful in our company.

This static code analyzer is not based on a C++ parser, but works with a tokenizer, completely written in D. (The previous C++ version of the program is still part of the repository.) 

Andrei Alexandescu gives detailed information in his blog entry:

Under the Hood: Building and open-sourcing flint

by Andrei Alexandrescu

... Writing a C++ linter in particular is not for the faint of heart because of C++'s high barrier to entry for parsing. That said, there are now dozens of C++ lint programs with a variety of features, some open sourced. So the natural question is why we chose to write our own instead of using a pre-existing one.

When we started this project, the lint programs we tried were too slow and most didn't support the C++11 features that our codebase had already started to use. Clang, which today would be logical starting point for a C++ analysis tool, offered too little support back then...

The distributed makefile is designed to work on Mac OS and Linux. But it is pretty easy to build a working flint.exe for Windows with Visual Studio and an installed D compiler and the corresponding plugin.

We prefer in our company either pairing or code reviews to ensure a high code quality. But we decided to use Flint as an additional safety-net and since the speed of the analyzer is so amazingly high, we were able to integrate it into the pre-commit hook of our Mercurial repository without any noticable performance drawbacks. So all to be committed C++ files are checked against a subset of all rules, that Flint supports.

(We disabled some Flint rules in the source code, because of missing C++11 capabilities of Visual Studio 2012/2013 and certain checks that does not make sence in our context.)

Consider automatically applying a lint tool in your project build. Whether you pick this or another one, it's worth checking out.

Quick Q: Are "++a" and "a = a.load() + 1" equivalent if 'a' is "atomic<int>"?--StackOverflow

Quick A: No. Between a.load() and the addition and store to a is a window in which other threads can change the value of a, causing updates to be lost.

Recently on SO:

c++ atomic read/write misunderstanding

Why program with this code sometimes prints "2"?

int main() {
    std::atomic<int> a;
    a = 0;

    std::thread t1([&]{++a;});
    std::thread t2([&]{a++;});
    std::thread t3([&]{
        a = a.load() + 1;


    if (a != 3) {
        std::cout << "a: " << a << std::endl;

I've thought std::atomic guarantees that all operations will be done atomically so writing here(incrementing) will use a memory barrier and we will have always "3" at the end of threads work. I've explored the code and found out that the problem thread is t3 but I can't understand why it is wrong.