
Next week: Meeting C++ online job fair

Next week hosts the Meeting C++ online job fair on Tuesday (3-6pm CEST/Berlin) and Wednesday (8-11pm CEST/Berlin).

Meeting C++ online job fair

by Jens Weller

About the event:

During the event you'll be able to join a virtual lounge and go from table to table to meet various employers for C++. Employers can still sign up until Monday. You already can share your resume/CV via the sharing form at Meeting C++.

Upcoming C++ User Group meetings in September 2022

The monthly listing of upcoming C++ User Group meetings at Meeting C++:

Upcoming C++ User Group Meetings in September 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly listing of upcoming C++ User Group meetings! This time with a new group in Toulouse!

Meeting C++ online has a few meetings in September and hosts a lightning talk session tonight:

    31.8 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - C++ Lightning Talks
    1.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - C++ Community Planning session
    7.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - September - Corolib: distributed programming with C++ coroutines
    8.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - Meeting C++ online book & tool fair
    13.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - Hiring for C++ with Meeting C++
    20.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - Online C++ job fair (afternoon CEST)
    21.9 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - Online C++ job fair (evening CEST)

Lightning talks and 2 years of Meeting C++ online

Meeting C++ online celebrates its 2 years anniversary with lightning talks!

Lightning talks and 2 years of Meeting C++ online

by Jens Weller

From the article

Next week Meeting C++ online will host its first lightning talk session to celebrate its 2 year anniversary!

There are still some open spots, so if you want to submit your lightning talk, you still can! But yesterdays deadline already has given us enough talks to fill one hour easily. So join the event if you have time to attend next week wednesday!

Talks and Speaker for Meeting C++ 2022 released

Since yesterday its possible to have a first look at the program of Meeting C++ 2022

A first view on the talks and speakers of Meeting C++ 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

I'm excited to release this update for Meeting C++ 2022: the talks and speakers for this years conference!

As you can see in the talk listing, this is still an ongoing process, getting the speaker pictures from the new speakers for this year will still take a while. Creating the schedule will also take a few weeks, as of now Tracks A and B are planned on site, with Tracks C and D being part of the online part.

Porting my first application from Qt5 to Qt6

An overview on the issues face when porting my first application to Qt6

Porting my first Application from Qt5 to Qt6

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Just this week I had the opportunity to recompile one of my Qt Applications to build it with Qt6. Here is some of the results.

The application in question manages parts of the conference, and hence is written in Qt for the UI and uses SQLite as datastorage, so Qt also used for this and as I learned for a few other things too...

Supporting new speakers and great talks

Two weeks ago Meeting C++ organized an event centered on sharing information on how to prepare and give talks. With the goal being to level the playing field for everyone but also make it easier to start speaking. You can watch the lightning talks and the panel online.

Supporting new speakers and great talks

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This event supports the ongoing call for talks of Meeting C++ and other conferences. So for Meeting C++ 2022, submit your talk until Sunday, June 12th! As conferences and life has changed over the last 2 years, Meeting C++ wants to give everyone interested in speaking a hand on how to get started and motivated. Scott Meyers did once share in the second part of his Meeting C++ keynote in 2014 some of his thoughts on "preparing materials for the modern age" and a few years later CppCon has hosted some classes for speakers to improve their talks. But not much has come available for the general public as information on how to create and give technical talks. With this event I aimed at producing a first set of tips and topics for interested speakers to view for inspiration.

Technical Speaking about C++

Meeting C++ organized an event centered around sharing material on creating better talks and presentations for C++:

Technical Speaking about C++

by Jens Weller

About the article:

This event will focus on the process of creating technical talks for the C++ community. Various speakers will share their views on how to submit, prepare and give talks to the C++ community in the form of lightning talks.


Tonight: Meeting C++ online event for speaking about C++

Meeting C++ online hosts an event tonight (19:00 - 23:00 CEST) which focuses on technical speaking for C++

Speaking about C++

by Jens Weller

From the event:

This event will focus on the process of creating technical talks for the C++ community. Various speakers will share their views on how to submit, prepare and give talks to the C++ community in the form of lightning talks and a panel.

Lightning Talks featuring

Tina Ulbrich
Clare Macrae
Hendrik Niemeyer
Andrei Alexandrescu
Chandler Carruth
Patricia Aas
Inbal Levi
Kate Gregory
Jens Weller

Call for talks for Meeting C++ 2022

The official call for talks for this years Meeting C++ conference. To promote this years call for talks, Meeting C++ online organizes an event about technical speaking for C++. On May 24th 8 great speakers will share some of the aspects on preparing and giving talks with you...

Call for talks for Meeting C++ 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In begin of April Meeting C++ 2022 was announced, and since then also the call for talks is technically running and a first set of interesting talks has been submitted.

As Meeting C++ 2022 is a hybrid conference, taking place online and in Berlin. Likely the bigger audience will be online, and speakers are expected to be ready to give their talk online. You can submit and edit your talk until June 12th.