True parallelism, with no concept of threads - Alfred Bratterud
A talk on doing multithreading without threads...
True parallelism, with no concept of threads
by Alfred Bratterud
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 10, 2018 11:16 AM | Tags: performance parallelism multithreading meetingcpp
A talk on doing multithreading without threads...
True parallelism, with no concept of threads
by Alfred Bratterud
By Meeting C++ | Feb 9, 2018 06:38 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate c++14
A new talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
Reactive Equations
by André Bergner
By Meeting C++ | Feb 8, 2018 07:31 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate algorithms
New Video from Meeting C++ 2017!
Fantastic Algorithms and Where To Find Them
by Nicholas Ormrod
By Meeting C++ | Feb 2, 2018 03:40 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate algorithms
A great introduction to some lesser known algorithms:
Fantastic Algorithms and Where To Find Them
by Nicholas Ormrod
By Meeting C++ | Feb 1, 2018 03:08 AM | Tags: performance multithreading meetingcpp efficiency
A talk on understanding when a reader-writer lock beats a mutex, and when not.
Reader-Writer Lock versus Mutex
by Jeffrey Mendelsohn
By Meeting C++ | Jan 31, 2018 02:23 AM | Tags: meetingcpp libraries api
A new talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
API & ABI versioning
by Mathieu Ropert
By Meeting C++ | Jan 30, 2018 03:12 AM | Tags: stringview qt meetingcpp c++17
A view on StringViews from the author of QStringView from Meeting C++ 2017!
StringViews, StringViews everywhere!
by Marc Mutz
By Meeting C++ | Jan 29, 2018 04:18 AM | Tags: tooling modern c++ meetingcpp clang-tidy clang
A new tooling related talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
Bringing clang-tidy magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers
by Victor Ciura
By Meeting C++ | Jan 28, 2018 05:22 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate community code review cleancode
Arne Mertz sharing some of his wisdom about code reviews:
Code Reviews - Why, what and how
by Arne Mertz
By Meeting C++ | Jan 26, 2018 02:45 AM | Tags: stl performance meetingcpp intermediate functional c++14 c++11
Is a better std::function possible?
Is std::function really the best we can do?
by Lukas Bergdoll