
Becoming a Rule of Zero Hero--Glennan Carnie

Everything is in the title:

Becoming a Rule of Zero Hero

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

Previously, we’ve looked at The Rule of Zero which, in essence, says: avoid doing your own resource management; use a pre-defined resource-managing type instead.

This is an excellent guideline and can significantly improve the quality of your application code. However, there are some circumstances where you might not get exactly what you were expecting. It’s not that the code will fail; it just might not be as efficient as you thought.

Luckily, the solution is easy to implement and has the additional side-effect of making your code even more explicit.

New updates of, service of recommendations on C++ programming from PVS-Studio team

New updates of C++Hints, service of recommendations on C++ programming

Changes in

by PVS-Studio Team

We got a lot of positive feedback from our readers and continue developing the C++Hints project. We have also answered two requests, that we saw quite often in the letters:

By this moment we have published the following articles:

Using Variadic Templates cleanly--Florian Weber

Variadics are even more easy to use than we tought:

Using Variadic Templates cleanly

by Florian Weber

From the article:

When one comes across examples for variadic templates, almost always recursion is used to achieve almost everything, for example like this:

// We are lucky: the author correctly used zero
// arguments instead of one as the base-case,
// thereby avoiding code-duplication:
inline void print_to_stream(std::ostream&) {}

template<typename Head, typename...Tail>
void print_to_stream(std::ostream& stream, const Head& h, const Tail&... t) {
  stream << h;
  print_to_stream(stream, t...);

In this article we will see what better alternatives for this rather clumsy hack exist and see how we can write a better version with less code...

More than you need--Andrzej Krzemieński

Some thoughts about what the standard provides by default:

More than you need

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

The classes you design can do more (in terms of allowed operations) than what you could figure out from just looking at their member function declarations. The C++ Standard defines a number of cases where certain expressions involving your type are valid, even though there are no corresponding member function declarations. Sometimes this is just what you need; but sometimes the additional operations you never asked for can have grave negative impact on your program correctness...


Quick Q: What container should I use to reduce fragmentation caused by lots of small allocations?

Quick A: The only one matching the requirements is a std::deque, but it might be worth to consider using a memory pool.

Recently on SO:

What C++ std container should I use to reduce fragmentation caused by lots of small allocations?

Since you're asking specifically for a standard container, std::deque is the most promising option given your requirements. As long as you only add elements, the existing ones are not relocated, and references/pointers (but not iterators) remain valid. When removing elements, you may however need to leave gaps or swap the element to remove with the last element.

std::vector is not stable, and std::list, std::forward_list as well as all the associative containers are fragmented.

Looking at Boost.Container, you have additional options, however with other trade-offs:

boost::flat_map provides contiguous storage (like std::vector), but with it the stability problem
boost::stable_vector offers element stability at the cost of contiguity.
Alternatively, you can have a look at pool allocators (like Boost.Pool). They provide low fragmentation and fast allocation, and the container in front of it can still be used like a normal container.

CppCon 2014 Unicode in C++--James McNellis

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Unicode in C++

by James McNellis

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

In some programming languages, text processing is easy. Unfortunately, C++ is not one of those languages. C++ lacks good, built-in support for Unicode, though the situation is starting to improve.

This session will begin with a brief overview of text encodings, and an introduction to Unicode and the various Unicode encodings. We'll look at the woeful state of Unicode support in C++98 (or, really, lack thereof), then take a look at the improvements that were made in C++11 and other improvements that have recently been proposed for standardization. We'll finish up with a discussion of several libraries designed to make it easier to work with Unicode in C++, including the widely-used, open-source International Components for Unicode (ICU) library.