
A third way to use boost::serialization

The 10th installment in my series about writing applications with Qt and boost:

A third way to use boost::serialization

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The 10th part of my series about writing applications with Qt and boost is about using boost::serialization. The last part was about how to create the basic structure for a project with boost::filesystem, and how to use boost::filesystem to index folders. But there is a lot of data that just isn’t able to be represented as single files, how to store it?

Originally I planned to use a database, as I already have some code handling the SQL queries nicely for me and most of my other applications currently also use this to store their data. Thats why most of my classes from the first day on had an id field, just to enable them to refer to an instance stored in a database. But then, if I could get around using a database, by simply just storing my data in a file, things would be easier, and my code wouldn’t need to be scattered with SQL queries. If I couldn’t find a reasonable approach, I still could opt for a database anyways.

Handling files in C++ - using boost::filesystem

The 9th installment of my series on writing applications in C++ using Qt and boost:

Handling files - using boost::filesystem

by Jens Weller

From the article:

As part of my data is actual files (images, css, js, files…), I realized that the best way to handle those, would be to just store and load them from the file system. In the UI Qt even offers good support for displaying a folder in an Application with QFileSystemModel. But in the application…

Announcing the Meeting C++ Workshop Day!

I finally can announce the Meeting C++ Workshop day on Dec. 3rd in front of the Meeting C++ Conference:

Announcing the Meeting C++ Workshop Day!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

For the first time ever, I do organize a Workshop Day in front of Meeting C++! This is going to be a fun day giving you the knowledge of either C++ in embedded or parallelism.

While some details are still in the making, I already can announce that the speakers of the parallelism workshop are Thomas Heller, Boris Schäling and Michael Wong! The embedded workshop will feature a hands on session from KDAB “Creating HMI for embedded devices with C++ and Qt/QML” by Tobias Koenig.

Integrating an HTML Editor into Qt using Javascript and QWebView

Part 8 of my series about writing applications in C++ using Qt and boost:

Integrating an HTML Editor into Qt using Javascript and QWebView

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This time its about integrating an HTML Editor into Qt using QWebView and Javascript! I’ll start with text editors in general, and then continue to the integration, based on QWebkit and TinyMCE3. The end result is a little bit of hackery, but it is a working solution…