50 shades of C++ - Nicolai Josuttis - Meeting C++ 2018 Closing Keynote
Nicolai Josuttis gave a fantastic closing keynote at Meeting C++ 2018
50 shades of C++
by Nicolai Josuttis
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Jan 14, 2019 08:41 AM | Tags: performance meetingcpp experimental efficiency community c++17 c++14 c++11 advanced
Nicolai Josuttis gave a fantastic closing keynote at Meeting C++ 2018
50 shades of C++
by Nicolai Josuttis
By Meeting C++ | Jan 13, 2019 12:18 PM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate experimental community advanced
The Center Keynote by Lisa Lippincott from Meeting C++ 2018
The Truth of a Procedure
by Lisa Lippincott
By Meeting C++ | Jan 12, 2019 12:45 PM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate experimental efficiency c++17 basics advanced
Andrei Alexandrescus Opening Keynote from Meeting C++ 2018
The next big Thing
by Andrei Alexandrescu
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 3, 2019 01:15 PM | Tags: experimental
Very intersting comment about ranges.
Ranges, Code Quality, and the Future of C++
by Jason Meisel
From the article:
Many of you have seen the recent blog post by Eric Niebler about the acceptance of his C++ Ranges proposal to the C++2a standard. This is a feature set I’ve wanted in C++ for some time. In fact, using C#’s standard LINQ library, I’ve become accustomed to writing code in this style.
I found it unfortunate, then, to see people respond to this post on Reddit and Twitter by complaining that this feature makes code unreadable. Apparently, C++ is becoming more complex and less useful.
I think this is completely untrue. C++2a is going to be the best version of C++ yet, and a big reason for that is Eric’s Ranges library.
But even to me, his Pythagorean Triples example is bad code. This is not because this range library makes code harder to read, but because he utilizes the library very poorly...
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 21, 2018 08:17 AM | Tags: experimental
Useful new feature.
A brief introduction to Concepts – Part 1
by Glennan Carnie
From the article:
Concepts allow us to express constraints on template types with the goals of making generic code
- Easier to use
- Easier to debug
- Easier to write
In this pair of articles we’ll look at the basics of Concepts, their syntax and usage. To be open up-front: this article is designed to get you started, not to make you an expert on Concepts or generic code...
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 10, 2018 09:36 AM | Tags: experimental
Coming soon.
Standard Ranges
by Eric Niebler
From the article:
As you may have heard by now, Ranges got merged and will be part of C++20. This is huge news and represents probably the biggest shift the Standard Library has seen since it was first standardized way back in 1998.
This has been a long time coming. Personally, I’ve been working toward this since at least November 2013, when I opined, “In my opinion, it’s time for a range library for the modern world,” in a blog post on input ranges. Since then, I’ve been busy building that modern range library and nailing down its specification with the help of some very talented people.
Future blog posts will discuss how we got here and the gritty details of how the old stuff and the new stuff play together (we’re C++ programmers, we love gritty details), but this post is strictly about the what...
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 10, 2018 09:27 AM | Tags: experimental
An answer.
span: the best span
by Barry Revzin
From the article:
This post is a response to RangeOf: A better span, which has many problems worth addressing in detail. While most of this post will deal with specifically std::span<T> (which is indeed the best span), the last section will also discuss a recent addition to the standard library: std::ranges::subrange<T*>...
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 5, 2018 12:58 PM | Tags: experimental community
New trip report.
Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in San Diego, November 2018
by Botond Ballo
From the article:
A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in San Diego, California. This was the third committee meeting in 2018; you can find my reports on preceding meetings here (June 2018, Rapperswil) and here (March 2018, Jacksonville), and earlier ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Rapperswil one, provide useful context for this post...
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 4, 2018 12:50 PM | Tags: experimental
Will be very useful.
Exploring C++20 - Designated initialisers
by Tobias Widlund
From the article:
Compared to many other C++20 additions this one is quite small, only needing a single box of explanation on cppreference. Despite this, I quite like the feature as it helps code that uses aggregate initialisation to be more readable and less error prone - both are well needed in that area!
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 3, 2018 01:16 PM | Tags: experimental
It continues to improve.
Better template support and error detection in C++ Modules with MSVC 2017 version 15.9
by Cameron DaCamara
From the article:
It has been a long time since we last talked about C++ Modules. We feel it is time to revisit what has been happening under the hood of MSVC for modules.
The Visual C++ Team has been dedicated to pushing conformance to the standard with a focus on making the overall compiler implementation more robust and correct with the rejuvenation effort. This rejuvenation effort has given us the ability to substantially improve our modules implementation. We’ve mostly done this work transparently over the past few months until now. We are proud to say the work has reached a point where talking about it would hopefully provide developers with even more reasons to use C++ Modules with MSVC!