
CLion 2017.3 released with C++ support improvements, Valgrind Memcheck...--Anastasia Kazakova

A new version is here!

CLion 2017.3 released with C++ support improvements, Valgrind Memcheck, Boost.Test and much more

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

This year’s third release of CLion managed to accomplish both missions – bring dozens of C++ language support fixes, and overhaul and integrate new tools like Boost.Test and Valgrind Memcheck. Besides, v2017.3 updates a number of bundled tools, provides a simpler and more flexible way to configure toolchains, and improves the UI for running/debugging your applications...

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Albuquerque, November 2017--Botond Ballo

A thorough and detailed summary of the recent six-day meeting.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Albuquerque, November 2017

by Botond Ballo

From the article:

A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This was the third committee meeting in 2017; you can find my reports on previous meetings here (February 2017, Kona) and here (July 2017, Toronto). These reports, particularly the Toronto one, provide useful context for this post.

With the final C++17 International Standard (IS) having been voted for publication, this meeting was focused on C++20, and the various Technical Specifications (TS) we have in flight, most notably Modules...

First Meeting C++ Trip Report -- Simon Brand

Simon Brand attended the recent Meeting C++ conference and wrote down his impressions:

Meeting C++ Trip Report

by Simon Brand

From the article:

This year was my first time at Meeting C++. It was also the first time I gave a full-length talk at a conference. But most of all it was a wonderful experience filled with smart, friendly people and excellent talks. This is my report on the experience. I hope it gives you an idea of some talks to watch when they’re up on YouTube, and maybe convince you to go along and submit talks next year! I’ll be filling out links to the talks as they go online.


CppCon2017 Trip Report -- Gordon Brown

Trip report from CppCon 2017. Highlights, trends and some tips for getting the most out of the conference.

CppCon2017 Trip Report

by Gordon Brown

From the article:

CppCon this year was bigger than ever with approaching 1200 attendees and 7 tracks; making it even harder to pick which talks to go to. Thankfully all the talks are made available online, so if you couldn’t make it to the conference or even if you did but couldn’t get to see all the talks you wanted to, you can go online and watch them. I only got to a handful of the talks as I often had conflicting appointments, but I’ve highlighted a few from what I saw that I would recommend checking out and some which I didn’t make it to but heard good things about.

2017 Albuquerque ISO C++ Committee Reddit Trip Report

Another report:

2017 Albuquerque ISO C++ Committee Reddit Trip Report

From the article:

The ISO C++ Committee met in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA last week to continue work on C++ Technical Specifications and the next International Standard, C++20. C++17 is done; the final version was sent to ISO for publication in September. We started to firm up the schedule and feature set for C++20 at this meeting; we're hoping to land most of the major features by the first meeting of 2019...

Trip report: Fall ISO C++ standards meeting (Albuquerque)--Herb Sutter

C++ continues to evolve.

Trip report: Fall ISO C++ standards meeting (Albuquerque)

by Herb Sutter

From the article:

A few minutes ago, the ISO C++ committee completed its fall meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, hosted with our thanks by Sandia National Laboratories. We had some 140 people at the meeting, representing 10 national bodies. As usual, we met for six days Monday through Saturday, including several evenings.

C++ User Group Meetings in November

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings...

C++ User Group Meetings in November

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings! With next weeks Meeting C++ 2017 conference, many members of the new and established C++ User Groups will meet in Berlin! I hope to motivate again many visiting folks to start attending a near by C++ User Group, or to start their own User Group, if it does not yet exist.

There are 5 new C++ User Groups: Core C++, Israel, Brisbane, Moscow, Lissabon, Canterbury...