
Expressing fire-and-forget coroutines more explicitly, -or- How to turn any coroutine into fire-...

The series continues.

Expressing fire-and-forget coroutines more explicitly, -or- How to turn any coroutine into fire-and-forget

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

Last time, we looked at how to mark a coroutine as fire-and-forget, meaning that the caller does not get any information about when the coroutine completes. This is fine as far as it goes, but it may not be what you want...

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Kona, February 2019--Botond Ballo

Everything you need to know.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Kona, February 2019

by Botond Ballo

From the article:

A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Kona, Hawaii. This was the first committee meeting in 2019; you can find my reports on 2018’s meetings here (November 2018, San Diego), here (June 2018, Rapperswil), and here (March 2018, Jacksonville). These reports, particularly the San Diego one, provide useful context for this post...

winrt::fire_and_forget was too forgetful

Heard about it?

winrt::fire_and_forget was too forgetful

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

C++/WinRT provides a handy helper class called winrt::fire_and_forget. It lets you specify that nobody is going to observe the result of the coroutine. This is handy because it lets you tell the compiler that the lack of observation is intentional, so it won’t generate a warning...

Game performance and compilation time improvements in Visual Studio 2019--Gratian Lup

Getting better!

Game performance and compilation time improvements in Visual Studio 2019

by Gratian Lup

From the article:

The C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2019 includes several new optimizations and improvements geared towards increasing the performance of games and making game developers more productive by reducing the compilation time of large projects. Although the focus of this blog post is on the game industry, these improvements apply to most C++ applications and C++ developers...

C++ Insights - Implicit Conversions--Andreas Fertig

A good tool!

C++ Insights - Implicit Conversions

by Andreas Fertig

From the article:

This series is motivated by a brief conversation I had with Andreas. I asked him if he has some use case examples which show how C++ Insights can be helpful when teaching. I think there are many things. This article is the start of a series of five posts by Andreas which I will publish at Modernes C++ because I think C++ Insights is an invaluable tool to get a deeper insight in the C++ compiler magic. In case, you are new to C++ Insights consider this introductory article. Without further ado, Andreas post. When you follow the link near to each example, you can directly analyse the example in C++ Insight...

Understanding GCC warnings--Martin Sebor

In detail.

Understanding GCC warnings

by Martin Sebor

From the article:

Most of us appreciate when our compiler lets us know we made a mistake. Finding coding errors early lets us correct them before they embarrass us in a code review or, worse, turn into bugs that impact our customers. Besides the compulsory errors, many projects enable additional diagnostics by using the -Wall and -Wextra command-line options. For this reason, some projects even turn them into errors via -Werror as their first line of defense. But not every instance of a warning necessarily means the code is buggy. Conversely, the absence of warnings for a piece of code is no guarantee that there are no bugs lurking in it...

C++ Core Guidelines: Mixing C with C++--Rainer Grimm

Mixing C and C++ from the point of view of a C++ engineer.

C++ Core Guidelines: Mixing C with C++

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

The chapter in the C++ core guidelines is called: C-style programming. Honestly, my first thought was to skip it, but after more thoughts I decided to write about it. My reason is twofold:

  1. This are the typical issues we have when dealing with legacy code.
  2. One reader wanted that I write more about the challenges of legacy code.