
PVS-Studio Team: Switching to Clang Improved PVS-Studio C++ Analyzer’s Performance

Although the project’s preparation took a while, we were satisfied that the analyzer’s performance grew by over 10%. We will use Clang to build future releases of PVS-Studio for Windows.

PVS-Studio Team: Switching to Clang Improved PVS-Studio C++ Analyzer’s Performance

by Alexey Govorov and Sergey Larin

From the article:

From the earliest days, we used MSVC to compile the PVS-Studio C++ analyzer for Windows - then, in 2006, known as Viva64, version 1.00. With new releases, the analyzer’s C++ core learned to work on Linux and macOS, and we modified the project’s structure to support CMake. However, we kept using the MSVC compiler to build the analyzer’s version for Windows. Then, in 2019, on April 29th, Visual Studio developers announced they had included the LLVM utilities and Clang compiler in the IDE.


Checking Clang 11 with PVS-Studio

It’s no secret that compilers employ their own built-in static code analyzers, and those are developing as well. That’s why we write articles every now and then to show that our static analyzer, PVS-Studio, can find bugs even inside compilers and that we are worth our salt.

Checking Clang 11 with PVS-Studio

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

The programmer is using a modulo operation to get a random value of either 0 or 1. But the value 1 seems to confuse developers and make them write the classic anti-pattern in which the modulo operation is performed on 1 instead of 2. The X % 1 operation is meaningless as it always evaluates to 0.

Fuzzing beast with libFuzzer

A short blog post about my experience in fuzzing beast during my boost review

Fuzzing beast with libFuzzer

by Jens Weller

From the article:

During the weekend I wanted to take a closer look at beast, a http library proposed for boost. I planned to write an http client class, as thats something I’ll need in some project later anyways. I’ve been looking at beast on and off for a few month now, and started by reviewing the documentation and examples to get a feel for the library it self.

Finding bugs in the code of LLVM project with the help of PVS-Studio

Let’s take a look at the suspicious fragments in the LLVM code which PVS-Studio detected.

Finding bugs in the code of LLVM project with the help of PVS-Studio

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

LLVM developers, of course, will be able to understand if there is a bug here or not. I have to play detective. Looking at the code, I was thinking in the following direction: The function should read the opening bracket ‘<’, then it reads the identifiers and commas in the loop. If there is no comma, we expected a closing bracket. If something goes wrong, then the function returns an error code. I reckon there was supposed to be the following algorithm of the function work (pseudocode).

OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions –Alexey Bataev & Zinovy Nis

A status update for the work done on OpenMP for Clang/LLVM and future directions presented at the 2014 LLVM Developers’ Meeting. The slides are also available here.

OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions

OpenMP is a well-known and widely used API for shared-memory parallelism. Support for OpenMP in Clang/LLVM compiler is currently under development. In this talk, we will present current status of OpenMP support, what is done and what remains to be done, technical details behind OpenMP implementation. Also, we will elaborate on accelerators and pragma-assisted SIMD vectorization, introduced in the latest 4.0 edition of the OpenMP standard.