
Revisiting QWidgets & data, refactoring and performance

A follow up on an older Blog post of mine:

Revisiting QWidgets & data, refactoring and performance

by Jens Weller

From the article:

My CMS project has grown quite a bit, and there are a few places where I think I should refactor the code. One of the larger ones is that TreeItem::get<T> returns a pointer instead of a reference. Another one is related to how the Qt UI application is acting when opening a new panel in the TabControl. There used to be a noticeable delay...

Searching and replacing in strings with boost

My series on building applications with Qt an boost continues:

Searching and replacing in strings with boost

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The next big milestone for my CMS is to actually generate HTML files, and I'm almost there. I'll reach it in the next two weeks, most code is written, just a little bit of refactoring is needed. This blog post is about searching and replacing in strings. As I started last week with implementing the functionality, that turns the data in my CMS into an HTML website.

There needs to be a lot of text transformed, in order to turn a shared structure like a cross page layout into a single, special HTML file, one of those transformations is, to replace the internal links with the correct links. A link to a different page in the same website cannot be represented as a text link, instead it is represented by a linkid, which corresponds to the Page it points to. This is to have still the correct link, if the page is renamed or moved...

Modern C++ features: in-place construction--Arne Mertz

And emplace_back function:

Modern C++ features: in-place construction

by Arne Mertz

From the article:

Move constructors are often cheaper than copy constructors, which makes the construction and immediate relocation of objects in modern C++ more effective than in C++03. However, just moving the parts needed to construct the object in the right place can be even more effective. Several standard library functionalities use perfect forwarding to construct objects right where they are needed.

Raw loops vs STL algorithms

A new post on the Meeting C++ blog, this time on <algorithm>

Raw loops vs. STL algorithms

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Since last week I am working on my CMS for static HTML pages again, and so the series about Building applications with Qt and boost continues. Today its about using STL algorithms, or how Sean Parent once said "no raw loops!". Now, I am not Sean Parent, and not event the implementers of the STL are perfect. Most code which I write is application code, which then powers Meeting C++. Also, I don't know all STL algorithms, and some times its just to tempting to write a little loop instead of searching the STL for the specific algorithm. Yesterday I had such a case.