
The reviews at r/cpp_review have begun!

Participate in the first two reviews at r/cpp_review:

The reviews have begun

by Jens Weller

From the article

A few weeks ago I announced a C++ review community, which since then has grown to 250+ members on reddit. There has been great feedback and discussions since then, so that the idea is now ready to be tested.  With August, the first review period has started

C++ Weekly Episode 75: Why You Cannot Move From Const—Jason Turner

Episode 75 of C++ Weekly.

Why You Cannot Move From Const

by Jason Turner

About the show:

You may have noticed that it's possible to use std::move with a const object, but have you stopped to consider what it does? What you think is a move is silently reverting to a copy without your knowing. In this episode Jason explains what is happening and why.

C++17: Structured Bindings--Marc Gregoire

It is coming!

C++17: Structured Bindings

by Marc Gregoire

From the article:

This is a first post in a series of short articles on new C++17 features. These articles will not contain all little details of the new features being presented, but they give you an idea about what new functionality has been added to C++17.