
Generators and the Sweet Syntactic Sugar of Coroutines--Adi Shavit

A very detailed and interesting article, a must read!

Generators and the Sweet Syntactic Sugar of Coroutines

by Adi Shavit

From the article:

“Coroutines make it trivial to define your own ranges.”
— Eric Niebler, Lead author of the C++ Ranges proposal (edited for drama)

Hmmm… is that so?
But wait, what are coroutines?

From Boost.Coroutine2: A coroutine (coined by Melvin Conway in 1958!) is a function that can suspend execution to be resumed later. It allows suspending and resuming execution at certain locations and preserves the local state of execution and allows re-entering the subroutine more than once. In contrast to threads, which are pre-emptive, coroutine switches are cooperative: the programmer controls when a switch will happen. The kernel is not involved in the coroutine switches.

This sounds just like what we want!

Lightning Talks from Meeting C++ 2019 are now online!

The lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2019 are now online!

Meeting C++ Youtube Channel

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A few lightning talks I'd like to point to:

Finding hard to find bugs with Address Sanitizer - Marshall Clow

Consistently Inconsistent - Conor Hoekstra

Why don't the cool kids like OOP? - Jon Kalb

How to initialize x from expression y - Howard Hinnant

Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast-- Lex Fridman

Take a listen.

Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast

by Lex Fridman

Summary of the podcast:

Bjarne Stroustrup is the creator of C++, a programming language that after 40 years is still one of the most popular and powerful languages in the world. Its focus on fast, stable, robust code underlies many of the biggest systems in the world that we have come to rely on as a society. If you're watching this on YouTube, many of the critical back-end component of YouTube are written in C++. Same goes for Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, most Microsoft applications, Adobe applications, most database systems, and most physical systems that operate in the real-world like cars, robots, rockets that launch us into space and one day will land us on Mars. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast.