
Boost 1.54.0 released!

Release 1.54.0 of the Boost C++ Libraries is now available.

These open-source libraries work well with the C++ Standard Library, and are usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.

This release contains five new libraries and numerous enhancements and bug fixes for existing libraries.

New Libraries:
Log: Logging library, from Andrey Semashev.
TTI: Type Traits Introspection library, from Edward Diener.
Type Erasure: Runtime polymorphism based on concepts.

For details, including download links, see

You can also download directly from SourceForge:

To install this release on your system, see


--The Boost release team

Efficient Programming with Components -- Alexander Stepanov

stepanov-components.PNGA wonderful video series by the inventor of the Standard Template Library (STL).

Video Series: Efficient Programming with Components

by Alexander Stepanov

Performance is essential for infrastructure software. Modern infrastructure software depends heavily on components. Therefore, writing performant code in this environment requires deep understanding of the characteristics of such components. The course will help programmers to improve performance of their code by learning how to use these existing generic components effectively. In addition, it will teach them to extend the library with new high-performance components. Along the way, participants will learn how to use C++ as a high-performance language.The course will be taught interactively with the class discussing, discovering, and developing components together.

Code is available here.




Scaling with C++11 -- Edouard Alligand

cppnow13-alligand.PNGFrom the recent BoostCon/C++Now event. If you missed it there, check it out online. An updated version of this talk is also slated for the upcoming Meeting C++ this fall if you want to catch it in person.

Scaling with C++11

Edouard Alligand

As the number of cores per processor increases, software needs to be able to execute multiple tasks in parallel in order to benefit from Moore's law. This is not only a question of writing parallel algorithms, but also a matter of designing the application properly to reduce inter-thread dependencies. These dependencies may be very hard to find and are the results of decades of serial programming. Thus, writing truly scalable software is less a question of technical expertise than adopting the appropriate state of mind.

This presentation is about the design, techniques and tools used by the team who wrote the hyperscalable database "quasardb." Building upon concrete scalability challenges, the presenter will expose typical multithreading anti-patterns and how to avoid them. The topics covered include: atomics, micro locks, lock-free and wait-free containers, memory management strategies (copy on write, smart pointers, perfect forwarding...), thread local storage, asynchronous I/O, and much more!

Core C++, 8 and 9: From do-while to variadic array sorter to lambdas -- Stephan T. Lavavej

core-8-9.PNGThe two latest C++ lectures by Stephan T. Lavavej, the eponymous STL, are now available:

Core C++, 8 of n

In part 8, STL digs into the do-while loop, casts, one definition rule (ODR), and his variadic template array sorter. There is a lot of information in this episode, so get comfortable, tune in, and learn.

Core C++, 9 of n

In part 9, STL digs into lambdas and other expressions. Lambdas are very useful and you've no doubt been enjoying them in your modern C++ programming. As you can imagine, STL will go deep and teach you things about lambdas that you may not know. You'll also learn a lot about order of precedence and associativity for expressions in only the way Stephan can teach you (thorough treatment). Tune in.

Clang/LLVM Conference videos and slides are now available

The recent 2013 European Clang/LLVM developer meeting talk videos and/or slides are now available here.

Here are a few of the talks of interest to C++ developers. All have videos available except the last. Check out the page for details and a full talk list.


Optimization in LLVM - Numbers, A Case Study, and Looking Forward
Chandler Carruth (Google)


clang-format - Automatic formatting for C++
Daniel Jasper (Google)

Performing Source-to-Source Transformations with Clang
Olaf Krzikalla (TU Dresden)

Run-time tracking of uninitialized data with MemorySanitizer
Evgeniy Stepanov (Google)

LLVM on IBM POWER processors: a progress report
Ulrich Weigand (IBM)


How to implement an LLVM Assembler
Simon Cook (Embecosm)

The Clang AST (slides only)
Manuel Klimek (Google)

For more talks, and video/slide links, head over to the site.

Functional Patterns in C++ -- Bartosz Milewski

bartosz-milewski-functional.pngIf you're familiar with functional language styles and you want an advanced look at how your favorite functional styles are supported in modern C++, with a dash of Haskell, check out these three videos by Bartosz Milewski:

Functional Patterns in C++ (slides)

by Bartosz Milewski

Part 1, Functors: First the introduction to some common functional patterns like Functor, which, surprisingly pops up everywhere. I'll show the example of a unique_ptr and a vector as Functors. Of course, this is only in preparation for asynchronous functors.

Part 2, Currying, Applicative: A little digression to Haskell and the Maybe functor and the explanation of currying. Then I'll show you the Applicative Functor pattern. This is, of course, in preparation for for the asynchronous applicative functor pattern.

Part 3, Asynchronous API, Monoid, Monad: The encapsulation of asynchronous API that doesn't lead to inversion of control and spaghetti code. Very natural example of a Monad Pattern.

Slides (parts 1-3)

Interestingly, Bartosz' talk ends with a plea for (essentially) future.then and a C#-style await... both of which are under active consideration in the C++ standards committee as part of a potential near-term C++ technical specification on concurrency and parallelism.

Meeting C++ 2013 -- Nov 8-9, Düsseldorf, Germany

As C++ heats up, we continue to see new conferences including this one that launched last year. Europe's newest C++ conference is being held again in 2013, with room for 250 attendees and several standards committee members already signed up to speak:

Meeting C++ 2013 Announcement

Information page

Call for Papers (open until May 15)

After last years great success, we will meet again for 2 days full of C++ in Germany this Fall. Meeting C++ 2013 will be again at the 2nd weekend of November (8./9.11.2013). This time the conference will take place at the Lindner Congresshotel in Düsseldorf. For this year there will be 25 Talks and up to 2 keynotes for the 250 attendees at the conference! ...

There will be 3 Tracks about C++ this year, with the 3rd track being a theme track about C++ and UI. ... The other two tracks will offer general C++ talks like last year.

C++ to JavaScript with Emscripten

Want to run your C++ code in a browser? Check out this project that converts LLVM bitcode to JavaScript™. From the project homepage:

Emscripten is an LLVM to JavaScript™ compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode (which can be generated from C/C++ using Clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM bitcode) and compiles that into JavaScript™, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript™ can run).

Using Emscripten, you can

  • Compile C and C++ code into JavaScript™ and run that on the web
  • Run code in languages like Python as well, by compiling CPython from C to JavaScript™ and interpreting code in that on the web

They even have Qt demos running!

Continue reading...

Registration open for C++ and Beyond 2013

This just in on the C++ and Beyond blog... Scott Meyers writes:

Registration for C&B 2013 is open!

C++ and Beyond 2013 will take place December 9-12 at the Salish Lodge and Spa in Snoqualmie, Washington, USA (not far from Seattle). Registration is now open.

Attendance will be limited to 64 people.  (That’s the capacity of the ballroom.) Given that C&B has attracted about 100 people each year, it’s essentially certain that we’ll sell out.  As a result, I encourage you to sign up as soon as you can. Once we sell out, we’ll start a waiting list, but past experience suggests that we won’t be able to offer spots to more than a handful of people on that list.

Early bird registration runs through June 9 and features a 10% discount off the standard registration fee.

Click here to register.

Detailed information about C++ and Beyond is available at its web site:

Andrei and Herb and I hope to see you at C&B 2013 in December!
