
A generic context menu class for Qt

An unplanned 5th entry in my series on writing applications in C++ using Qt and boost:

A generic context menu class for Qt

by Jens Weller

From the article:

I didn't plan to write a second post on menus. But a reply on twitter caused me to over think my code I presented yesterday. Its not an very important part, so that I moved on once it did run. So, the simple question, why I would not connect the menus to a slot instead of using a switch was a good one. It would restructure the code, and slots are also callable from the outside world, while the switch buries the code inside a method...

Menus and Widgets in Qt

The fourth part of my series about developing applications with C++ using Qt and boost:

Menus and Widgets in Qt

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Lets start with how Qt sees and handles menus. You can easily create a window menu in the RAD Editor of QtCreator, and then add a slot for its triggered() signal. But for a context menu...

CppCon 2014 Lightning Talks--Introduction to Undodb--Julian Smith

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Introduction to Undodb

by Julian Smith

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

UndoDB's performance and low memory consumption allows you to step your application backward, as well as forward, faster than any other commercial or open-source reversible debugger. By stepping back in your program, setting a watchpoint or replaying non-deterministic bugs, you can get straight to the root cause of the bugs upsetting your customers, decreasing your productivity and slowing your software releases.

Trees, tree models and treeviews in Qt

The first part in my series on writing applications with C++ using Qt and boost:

Trees, tree models and treeviews in Qt

by Jens Weller

From the article:

On Tuesday I've announced this new series, this is the first installment showing the progress. The first thing I did when I started to work on my new application, was to implement a generic tree class, that then is exposed through not so generic tree model to Qt. The QTreeView then simply displays the data in the tree. My goals are, that the class containing the tree it self, is independent from Qt. Yet as its used in Qt, there are a few design decisions which reflect the needs of the Qt Model View system...

Building Applications with Qt and boost

I'm starting a series on my blog and youtube channel, about building an application in C++:

Building Applications with Qt and boost

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This is the start of a series of posts, in which I'll try to document my weekly work on a new application, build with Qt and boost. This first post is rather short, but I'd quickly try to give you an overview, why I use both Qt and boost in the same application. Regarding Qt, I wrote an introduction a two years ago, also for boost, there is an excellent website/tutorial about boost by Boris Schäling (buy his book! wink). This series is not meant as a general introduction, yet I try to show you how and what I use of Qt and boost.

Programmatic access to the call stack in C++--Eli Bendersky

The call stack can be accessed without debugger too:

Programmatic access to the call stack in C++

by Eli Bendersky

From the article:

Sometimes when working on a large project, I find it useful to figure out all the places from which some function or method is called. Moreover, more often than not I don't just want the immediate caller, but the whole call stack. This is most useful in two scenarios - when debugging and when trying to figure out how some code works...

Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (Part 4)—Sumant Tambe

More rapid-fire “now write this using lambdas” problem-solution drill with Sumant Tambe:

Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (Part 4)

by Sumant Tambe

From the article:

C++14 has a number of features that support functional-style design. By "functional-style" I mean heavy use of higher-order functions (functions that take other functions as arguments). Quite often arguments to the higher-order functions are lambdas (closures, to be precise). With automatic return type deduction for normal functions, writing higher-order function becomes very easy and seamless in C++14...

C++ User Group Meetings in July

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings, this time its 18 User Groups who are meeting during summer!

C++ User Group Meetings in July

by Jens Weller

The list of meetings:

7.7 C++ UG Chicago - Memory Management in C++14 and Beyond
8.7 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - HPX, C++ parallel programming framework
8.7 C++ UG Bristol - The Anatomy of Exceptional Engineers
9.7 C++ UG New York - July C++ Meetup
9.7 C++ UG Amsterdam - Hot C++, Part 2
9.7 C++ UG Dresden - Lazy generating non-integral values in range-based for loops
15.7 C++ UG Utah - Embedded Scripting with ChaiScript
15.7 C++ UG Bristol - Save the date
15.7 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
15.7 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Traveling for C++, a trip report
21.7 C++ UG Berlin - Ingo Josopait - Introducing the Goopax compiler for GPUs and Barb
21.7 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP July Meeting-- feat. Jon Kalb
22.7 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
23.7 C++ UG Rhein-Neckar - Presenting for Geeks
28.7 C++ UG Cologne - Monthly meeting
29.7 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
29.7 C++ UG Hamburg - Protocol Buffers
30.7 C++ UG Bremen - C++ Testframeworks

CppCon 2014 Common-sense acceleration of your MLOC build--Matt Hargett

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Common-sense acceleration of your MLOC build

Matt Hargett

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

In this talk, I lay out detailed examples of steps I took to dramatically improve build times, and ultimately developer productivity, in very large, legacy C/C++ codebases. Is it worth the extra money for SSD or a 15K RPM SAS? How do I make ccache and distcc work together? How do I profile-optimize my toolchain? What network topology issues come into play? These questions, and more, are addressed in detail so you can immediately apply what you've learned to shorten the timeline between when you make a change to your code and when you see it in action.