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CppCast Episode 100: Past, Present and Future of C++ with Bjarne Stroustrup

Episode 100 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Bjarne Stroustrup, designer and original implementer of C++ to discuss the current state of C++, his vision for the future as well as some discussion of the past.

CppCast Episode 100: Past, Present and Future of C++ with Bjarne Stroustrup

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++ as well as the author of The C++ Programming Language (Fourth Edition) and A Tour of C++, Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (Second Edition), and many popular and academic publications. Dr. Stroustrup is a Managing Director in the technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City as well as a visiting professor at Columbia University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and an IEEE, ACM, and CHM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, design, programming techniques, software development tools, and programming languages. To make C++ a stable and up-to-date base for real-world software development, he has been a leading figure with the ISO C++ standards effort for more than 25 years. He holds a master’s in Mathematics from Aarhus University and a PhD in Computer Science from Cambridge University, where he is an honorary fellow of Churchill College.

CppCast Episode 99: Intel C++ Compiler with Udit Patidar and Anoop Prabha

Episode 99 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Udit Patidar and Anoop Prabha from Intel to discuss Intel's C++ Compiler and suite of Performance tuning Software Development Tools.

CppCast Episode 99: Intel C++ Compiler with Udit Patidar and Anoop Prabha

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewees:

Anoop Prabha is currently a Software Engineer in Software and Services Group at Intel working with Intel® C++ Compiler Support. He played paramount role in driving customer adoption for features like Intel® Cilk™ Plus, Explicit Vectorization, Compute Offload to Intel® Processor Graphics across all Intel targets by creating technical articles and code samples, educating customers through webinars and 1-on-1 engagements. He is currently driving the Parallel STL feature adoption (new feature in 18.0 beta Compiler). Before joining Intel, Anoop worked at IBM India Private Ltd as a Software Developer for 3 years in Bangalore, India and later completed his graduation from State University of New York at Buffalo.

Udit Patidar works in the Developer Products Division of Intel, where he is a product manager for Intel software tools. He was previously a developer working on Intel compilers, focusing on OpenMP parallel programming model for technical and scientific computing workloads. He has extensive experience in high performance computing, both at Intel and previously. Udit holds an MBA in General Management from Cornell University, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Houston.

CppCast Episode 98: Hippomocks and cpp-dependencies with Peter Bindel

Episode 98 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Peter Bindels to discuss the Hippomocks mocking library and the cpp-dependencies tool he worked on that was open sourced from TomTom.

CppCast Episode 98: Hippomocks and cpp-dependencies with Peter Bindel

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Peter Bindels is a C++ software engineer who prides himself on writing code that is easy to use, easy to work with and well-readable to anybody familiar with the language. He's worked for a contractor for a few years and then made the switch to work at Tomtom, where he's been working on various parts of the software chain, last of which was a major cleanup in the navigation code base. In doing so he developed a tool to determine, check and improve dependencies between components, which allows quicker structural insight in complicated systems. He also created HippoMocks in 2008, one of the first full fledged C++ mocking frameworks that is still a relevant choice today. He has given two talks at Meeting C++ 2016 and will be giving his third talk, on Mocking in C++, at CppNow 2017.

CppCast Episode 97: Vcsn with Akim Demaille

Episode 97 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Akim Demaille to discuss VCSN, a platform for automata and rational expressions, and some of the interesting problems he faced while working on the library.

CppCast Episode 97: Vcsn with Akim Demaille

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Akim has been participating in free software for about 20 years, starting with a2ps, an anything to PostScript tool written in C. In order to ensure its portability, he became a major contributor to GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake and GNU Bison.

Akim has been teaching and researching at EPITA, a French CS Graduate School, for eighteen years. He has taught formal languages, logics, OO design, C++ and compiler constructions, which includes the Tiger compiler, an educational project where students implement a compiler in C++. This project, whose assignment is regularly updated, keeps track of the C++ eveolutions, and this year's version uses C++17 features.

Akim's recent research interests are focused on the Vcsn platform, dedicated to automata and rational expressions.

He's recently been recruited by former students of his to be part of the Infinit team at Docker.

CppCast Episode 96: Jewelbots with Sara Chipps

Episode 96 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Sara Chipps to discuss Jewelbots, Arduino and getting girls interested in STEM fields.

CppCast Episode 96: Jewelbots with Sara Chipps

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Sara Chipps is a JavaScript developer based in NYC. She has been working on Software and the Open Source Community since 2001. She’s been obsessed with hardware and part of Nodebots since 2012.

She is the CEO of Jewelbots, a company dedicated towards drastically changing the number of girls entering STEM fields using hardware.

She was formerly the CTO of Flat Iron School, a school dedicated to teaching people of all ages how to build software and launch careers as software developers.

In 2010 she cofounded Girl Develop It, a non-profit focused on helping more women become software developers. Girl Develop It is in 45 cities, and has taught over 17,000 women how to build software.

CppCast Episode 95: C++17 Kona Update with Patrice Roy

Episode 95 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Patrice Roy to discuss the state of C++17 after the recent ISO Standards meeting at Kona.

CppCast Episode 95: C++17 Kona Update with Patrice Roy

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Patrice Roy has been playing with C++, either professionally, for pleasure or (most of the time) both for over 20 years. After a few years doing R&D and working on military flight simulators, he moved on to academics and has been teaching computer science since 1998. Since 2005, he’s been involved more specifically in helping graduate students and professionals from the fields of real-time systems and game programming develop the skills they need to face today’s challenges. The rapid evolution of C++ in recent years has made his job even more enjoyable.

He’s been a participating member in the ISO C++ Standards Committee since late 2014 and has been involved with the ISO Programming Language Vulnerabilities since late 2015. He has five kids, and his wife ensures their house is home to a continuously changing number of cats, dogs and other animals.

C++Chat[16] The Great Template Metaprogramming Library Debate


CppChat[16]: The Great Template Metaprogramming Library Debate

with Chiel Douwes, Edouard Alligand, Eric Niebler, Joel Falcou, Louis Dionne, Odin Holmes, and Jon Kalb.

From the chat:

This was a special episode focusing on the path forward for Boost, the Standard Committee, and the C++ community in the area of template metaprogramming.