Reactive Equations - André Bergner
A new talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
Reactive Equations
by André Bergner
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 9, 2018 06:38 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate c++14
A new talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
Reactive Equations
by André Bergner
By Meeting C++ | Feb 8, 2018 07:31 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate algorithms
New Video from Meeting C++ 2017!
Fantastic Algorithms and Where To Find Them
by Nicholas Ormrod
By Adrien Hamelin | Feb 7, 2018 07:19 PM | Tags: advanced
If you missed it:
Meltdown And Spectre
by Matt Godbolt
From the article:
A presentation on my understanding of the Meltdown and Spectre hardware exploits.
By robwirving | Feb 2, 2018 08:17 AM | Tags: None
Episode 136 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Jonathan Müller to talk about his experience at University and some of his recent projects.
CppCast Episode 136: foonathan/type_safe and more with Jonathan Müller
by Rob Irving and Jason Turner
About the interviewee:
Jonathan is a CS student passionate about C++. In his spare time he writes libraries like foonathan/memory which provides memory allocator implementations. He is also working on standardese which is a documentation generator specifically designed for C++. Jonathan tweets at @foonathan and blogs about various C++ and library development related topics at
By Meeting C++ | Feb 1, 2018 03:08 AM | Tags: performance multithreading meetingcpp efficiency
A talk on understanding when a reader-writer lock beats a mutex, and when not.
Reader-Writer Lock versus Mutex
by Jeffrey Mendelsohn
By Meeting C++ | Jan 31, 2018 02:23 AM | Tags: meetingcpp libraries api
A new talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
API & ABI versioning
by Mathieu Ropert
By Meeting C++ | Jan 30, 2018 03:12 AM | Tags: stringview qt meetingcpp c++17
A view on StringViews from the author of QStringView from Meeting C++ 2017!
StringViews, StringViews everywhere!
by Marc Mutz
By Meeting C++ | Jan 29, 2018 04:18 AM | Tags: tooling modern c++ meetingcpp clang-tidy clang
A new tooling related talk from Meeting C++ 2017:
Bringing clang-tidy magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers
by Victor Ciura
By Meeting C++ | Jan 28, 2018 05:22 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate community code review cleancode
Arne Mertz sharing some of his wisdom about code reviews:
Code Reviews - Why, what and how
by Arne Mertz
By robwirving | Jan 26, 2018 08:25 AM | Tags: None
Episode 135 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Arno Schödl to talk about the work he does at think-cell with C++ and their custom range library.
CppCast Episode 135: Think-Cell Ranges with Arno Schödl
by Rob Irving and Jason Turner
About the interviewee:
Arno Schödl, Ph.D. is the Co-Founder and Technical Director of think-cell Software GmbH, Berlin. think-cell is the de facto standard when it comes to professional presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. Arno is responsible for the design, architecture and development of all our software products. He oversees think-cell’s R&D team, Quality Assurance and Customer Care. Before founding think-cell, Arno worked at Microsoft Research and McKinsey & Company. Arno studied computer science and management and holds a Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a specialization on Computer Graphics.