Product News

Intel Concurrent Collections for C++ 0.9 now supports Xeon Phi on Windows and Linux


Note that some of these concurrent collections are also currently being proposed for ISO standardization.

From the announcement:

Intel Releases New Version of  Intel® Concurrent Collections for C++

Intel released a new version of Intel® Concurrent Collections for C++, a library that helps developers write and tune parallel software. Now with Version 0.9, computers powered by Intel® Xeon Phi™ co-processors are supported and can experience unified programming in the same seamless way that single Intel multi-core workstations and clusters of workstations have experienced with earlier versions. Additionally, its tuning layer was extended, giving developers even easier control over the execution of their application, offering greater potential for performance, scalability and productivity.

Intel Concurrent Collections for C++ is available for Windows and Linux as a free download through the Intel Software Network.

Boost 1.54.0 released!

Release 1.54.0 of the Boost C++ Libraries is now available.

These open-source libraries work well with the C++ Standard Library, and are usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.

This release contains five new libraries and numerous enhancements and bug fixes for existing libraries.

New Libraries:
Log: Logging library, from Andrey Semashev.
TTI: Type Traits Introspection library, from Edward Diener.
Type Erasure: Runtime polymorphism based on concepts.

For details, including download links, see

You can also download directly from SourceForge:

To install this release on your system, see


--The Boost release team

LLVM 3.3 is released!

You can download either the source or prebuilt executables from the LLVM web site

Clang 3.3 includes full C++11 support, as well as a suite of run-time checkers to help find bugs in your programs.

For more information, check out the release notes for LLVM and for Clang

GCC 4.8.1 released, C++11 feature complete

The release of GCC 4.8.1 was announced today (31 May 2013) on the gcc mailing list. In addition to many bug fixes, GCC 4.8.1 adds support for C++11 ref-qualifiers, the final missing C++11 feature. This makes GCC the first C++11 [Ed.: language specification] feature complete compiler to be released.

Information on the full set of changes is available on the GCC 4.8 series page. 

Clang 3.3, also C++11 feature complete, is in release testing and the release is currently scheduled for June 5th. Within a week full C++11 support will be available from two major compilers and on numerous platforms supported by those compilers.

Forging ahead with support for the next C++ standard.

Clang reaches 100%: Fully compliant compiler expected this summer

Reported via Twitter by ISO C++ project editor Stefanus Du Toit:

Clang is C++11 feature complete as of *just now*! Here's the final commit by Richard Smith: … #llvm #cxx11

With Richard Smith's commit to finish thread_local support, Clang is now believed to be code-complete for full C++11 support.

As Clang usually releases twice a year, industry observers expect this means we will see at least one fully C++11-conforming commercial compiler available in the marketplace by this summer.

Congratulations, Clang development team!

Qt Creator 2.7.0: More C++11, and C++11 Now Default

Qt Creator 2.7.0 is now available, and includes more C++11 support including that C++11 mode is now on by default.

Qt Creator 2.7.0 Released

by Eike Ziller

C++ support in Qt Creator got even more improvements for C++11, like handling of alignof, alignas and noexcept, brace initializers, and more lambda fixes. Also, if Qt Creator cannot find out if your tool chain expects C++11 or C++98/03, it defaults to C++11 now, for a better out of the box experience.

GCC's Move to C++ -- Linda Jacobsen

It's nice to see more C++ compilers being written in C++ rather than C. The Clang compiler is already all-C++. In recent years GCC has been slowly doing the same -- first compiling the C code as C++ code, and more recently using C++ itself.

Here is a readable summary of progress to date.

GCC's Move to C++

by Linda Jacobsen


In 2008, 2009, and 2010, (i.e., at the beginning and after each milestone) Taylor provided formal plans for the next steps. There is no formal plan going forward from here. People will use C++ constructs in future patches as they deem necessary, but not just for the sake of doing so. Some will limit their changes to the times when they are patching the code anyway. Others approach the existing C code with an eye to converting code to C++ wherever it makes the code clearer or more efficient. Therefore, this is an ongoing effort on a meandering path for the foreseeable future.

GCC 4.8 released

GCC 4.8 has been released. C++-related improvements include the following highlights.

Language improvements:

  • G++ now implements the C++11 thread_local keyword...
  • G++ now implements the C++11 attribute syntax, e.g.
      [[noreturn]] void f();
    and also the alignment specifier, e.g.
      alignas(double) int i;
  • G++ now implements C++11 inheriting constructors, e.g.
      struct A { A(int); };
      struct B: A { using A::A; }; // defines B::B(int)
      B b(42); // OK
  • G++ now supports a -std=c++1y option for experimentation with features proposed for the next revision of the standard, expected around 2017. Currently the only difference from -std=c++11 is support for return type deduction in normal functions, as proposed in N3386.
  • The G++ namespace association extension, __attribute ((strong)), has been deprecated. Inline namespaces should be used instead.

Standard library improvements:

Improved experimental support for the new ISO C++ standard, C++11, including:

  • forward_list meets the allocator-aware container requirements;
  • this_thread::sleep_for(), this_thread::sleep_until() and this_thread::yield() are defined without requiring the configure option --enable-libstdcxx-time;
  • SSE optimized normal_distribution and simd_fast_mersenne_twister_engine.
  • Use of hardware RNG instruction for random_device on new x86 processors (requires the assembler to support the instruction.)

C++11 Compiler Support Shootout -- Alex Korban

C++11 compiler support continues to grow across the industry, with leaders and laggards still all moving in the C++11 direction.

C++11 Compiler Support Shootout: Visual Studio, GCC, Clang, Intel

by Alex Korban

It’s been more than half a year since my last comparison of the C++11 support across different compilers. This time I’d like to see how different compilers stack up based on the documentation for the pre-release versions of these compilers.

The next release of GCC is 4.8 and the upcoming version of Clang is 3.3. If you use Visual Studio 2012, you can install an experimental CTP update released in November 2012 to get additional C++11 features.
