Product News

Exploring Clang Tooling – Using Build Tools with clang-tidy--Stephen Kelly

Today about clang-tidy.

Exploring Clang Tooling – Using Build Tools with clang-tidy

by Stephen Kelly

From the article:

The previous series about clang-tidy on this blog covered the basics of creating a clang-tidy extension and tooling to support that in the form of clang-query.

While the series focused on single-file examples for simplicity, developers progressing in this direction will need to run the tooling on all of the files in their project at once, or on all files which match a specific pattern.

Better template support and error detection in C++ Modules with MSVC 2017 version 15.9--Cameron DaCa

It continues to improve.

Better template support and error detection in C++ Modules with MSVC 2017 version 15.9

by Cameron DaCamara

From the article:

It has been a long time since we last talked about C++ Modules. We feel it is time to revisit what has been happening under the hood of MSVC for modules.

The Visual C++ Team has been dedicated to pushing conformance to the standard with a focus on making the overall compiler implementation more robust and correct with the rejuvenation effort. This rejuvenation effort has given us the ability to substantially improve our modules implementation. We’ve mostly done this work transparently over the past few months until now. We are proud to say the work has reached a point where talking about it would hopefully provide developers with even more reasons to use C++ Modules with MSVC!

AWS launches the C++ lambda runtime

aws.PNGMore C++ and the cloud:

Introducing the C++ Lambda Runtime

by Chris Munns

From the article:

Today, AWS Lambda announced the availability of the Runtime API. The Runtime API allows you to write your Lambda functions in any language, provided that you bundle it with your application artifact or as a Lambda layer that your application uses.

As an example of using this API and based on the customer demand, AWS is releasing a reference implementation of a C++ runtime for Lambda. This C++ runtime brings the simplicity and expressiveness of interpreted languages while maintaining the superiority of C++ performance and low memory footprint. These are benefits that align well with the event-driven, function-based, development model of Lambda applications...

CLion 2018.3 released with remote dev support -- Anastasia Kazakova

CLion has just got a huge update!!

CLion 2018.3 released: remote development, CPU profilers, C++17, clangd-based navigation, and VCS and editor improvements

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

This year we’ve focused on two areas to enhance CLion. The first is better C++ language support and general IDE performance improvements. As a result, we’ve added a clangd-based experimental complementary language engine, and a massive amount of work was done which, although invisible at first glance, has helped eliminate dozens of UI freezes in the editor.

The second area is the endless world of remote configurations. Starting with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), by the end of the year it has evolved into full remote development support.

Other update highlights include:

  • CPU Profilers integration on Linux (Perf) and macOS (DTrace)
  • Better C++17 support: fold expressions and deduction guides
  • Clangd-based navigation and search actions
  • New Build menu, Run Anything, and Search Everywhere
  • VCS enhancements: Git Submodules and GitHub pull requests



Technologies used in the PVS-Studio code analyzer for finding bugs and potential vulnerabilities

The PVS-Studio analyzer is gradually becoming more complicated but these changes can be hardly described in a Release-history. For example, this year we have consistently implemented symbolic computations in the analyzer. This is why it was agreed to write a note on algorithms and technologies, which PVS-Studio now uses to search for errors and potential vulnerabilities.

Technologies used in the PVS-Studio code analyzer for finding bugs and potential vulnerabilities

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Here a mixture of technologies is working: data flow analysis, symbolic execution, and automatic method annotation (we will cover this technology in the next section). The analyzer sees that X variable is used in the Div function as a divisor. On this basis, a special annotation is built for the Div function. Further it is taken into account that in the function a range of values [0..4] is passed as the X argument. The analyzer comes to a conclusion that a division by 0 has to occur.

Sourcetrail 2018.4 released

Sourcetrail is a cross-platform visual source explorer based on LLVM/Clang LibTooling

Sourcetrail 2018.4 released

by Eberhard Gräther

From the article:

Sourcetrail 2018.4 features big improvements on indexing performance and reduced memory consumption. The new tab bar in the application window allows for opening multiple symbols simultaneously, just like in a web browser. Also, new type-use edges were added to the graph visual, to make exploration of types easier when templates are involved.

HPX V1.2 released -- STE||AR Group

The STE||AR Group has released V1.2 of HPX -- A C++ Standard library for parallelism and concurrency.

HPX V1.2 Released

The newest version of HPX (V1.2) is now available for download! Please see here for the release notes. This release is the first in our more frequent release schedule. We are aiming to produce one release every six months in an effort to get new features and stable releases out to users more quickly.

    HPX exposes an API fully conforming to the parts of the C++11/C++14/C++17 standards that are related to parallelism and concurrency, extended and applied to distributed and heterogeneous computing, and aligned with the ongoing standardization discussions.

    HPX is a general purpose parallel C++ runtime system for applications of any scale. It implements all of the related facilities as defined by the C++ Standard. As of this writing, HPX provides the only widely available open-source implementation of the new C++17 parallel algorithms. Additionally, HPX implements functionalities proposed as part of the ongoing C++ standardization process, such as large parts of the C++ Concurrency TS, Parallelism TS V2, data-parallel algorithms, executors, and many more. It also extends the existing C++ Standard APIs to the distributed case (e.g. compute clusters) and for heterogeneous systems (e.g. GPUs).
    HPX seamlessly enables a new asynchronous C++ Standard Programming Model which tends to improve the parallel efficiency of our applications and helps reducing complexities usually associated with parellism and concurrency.


Use the official range-v3 with MSVC 2017 version 15.9--CoderCasey

Everything is in the title.

Use the official range-v3 with MSVC 2017 version 15.9

by CoderCasey

From the article:

We’re happy to announce that the ongoing conformance work in the MSVC compiler has reached a new milestone: support for Eric Niebler’s range-v3 library. It’s no longer necessary to use the range-v3-vs2015 fork that was introduced for MSVC 2015 Update 3 support; true upstream range-v3 is now usable directly with MSVC 2017.

Using STL algorithms with cppcheck--Paul Fultz II

Making the code more expressive.

Using STL algorithms with cppcheck

by Paul Fultz II

From the article:

From Sean Parent’s C++ Seasoning talk, he explains how raw loops suffer from several issues:

  • Difficult to reason about and difficult to prove post conditions
  • Error prone and likely to fail under non-obvious conditions
  • Introduce non-obvious performance problems
  • Complicates reasoning about the surrounding code

Instead algorithms should be preferred, either using the algorithms in the standard library or writing a new algorithm. Even more so, Sean Parent suggests that all coding guildines should be replaceed with “No raw loops” in order to improve code quality...