
Bjarne Stroustrup "Make Simple Tasks Simple!" at CodeRage 9 -- Wed Oct 29, 9-11am PDT

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning, North American Pacific time, as the CodeRage conference will replay the CppCon "Make Simple Things Simpler!" keynote and take live Q&A with the keynoter, Bjarne Stroustrup:

Bjarne Stroustrup "Make Simple Tasks Simple!" at CodeRage 9 -- Wednesday, Oct. 29: 9-11am PDT

by David Intersimone

From the article:

... This time we will be doing things a little bit differently. We will watch a replay of Bjarne's wonderful CppCon 2014 Keynote, "Make Simple Tasks Simple!", and then have a live Q&A with Bjarne to complete the 2 hour session. [This] will take place on Wednesday, October 29 from 9am to 11am Pacific Time (12noon to 2pm Eastern Time) on the C++ track live stream.

... You can submit questions live during the session or you can email questions in advance by sending them to davidi at embarcadero dot com using the subject line "Ask Bjarne during CodeRage 9".

Italian C++ Community Meetup -- November 8, Bologna, Italy

it-meetup-2014-11.PNGThe next meetup of ++it (, the Italian C++ Community) will be in Bologna, Italy, on November 8th.


  • 1 interactive session.
  • 2x60' talks.
  • 2x30' lightning talks.
  • 1x45' Q/A panel.
  • Networking breaks and lunch.

Special speaker

  • Bartosz Milewski!

More details (in Italian) and registration (free) here.

Meeting C++ is sold out!

Last week the last ticket for Meeting C++ has been sold:

Meeting C++ is sold out for now

by Jens Weller

from the Article:

Ticket sales have been strong all summer long, and those who have yet not got their ticket will have to wait, maybe even for next year. There might be a second batch of tickets, which will not be more then 10-30 tickets released at the beginning of November. But for now, we are at almost 300 Attendees for Meeting C++! This includes the 50 Students, the speakers, the staff and all sold tickets.

ACCU 2015 Call for Papers

ACCU 2015 is now putting together its program, and they want you to speak on C++. ACCU has long had a strong C++ track, though it is not a C++-only conference. If you have something to share, check out the call for papers. 

Call for Papers

ACCU 2015

We invite you to propose a session for this leading software development conference...

The Call for Papers lasts 5 weeks and will close at midnight Wednesday 5th November 2014. Remember, remember, the 5th of November...

18 C++ User Group Meetings in October

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in October

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on the meetings of C++ User Groups world wide:

1.10 C++ UG Austin - Understanding and Using Generic Libraries in C++
2.10 C++ UG Paris - C++ FRUG #4 - C++ & Python
2.10 C++ UG New York - An Evening with Bjarne Stroustrup
2.10 C++ UG Madrid - De 0 a 100 (Taller)
2.10 C++ UG Istanbul - R-value references and Move Semantics
8.10 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Presentation and Q&A
9.10 C++ UG Dresden - Build Systems
11.10 C++ UG Pune, India - A hands-on introduction to the Boost Libraries
15.10 C++ UG Montpellier - Rencontre C++
15.10 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Coding Dojo
15.10 C++ UG Santa Barbara - Kickoff meeting
16.10 C++ UG Seattle/North West - Compiler Technologies
20.10 C++ UG Denver - Coding Dojo
21.10 C++ UG Berlin - No topic yet.
22.10 C++ UG Hamburg - Einführung in MPI
22.10 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
23.10 C++ UG Bristol - "Lessons From Test Code" with Jon Jagger
25.10 C++ UG Saratov, Russia
29.10 C++ UG London - No topic yet.

CppCon 2014 videos online

From the CppCon blog:

2014 Videos Online

We are announcing the CppCon Channel on YouTube with the first uploads of our video from CppCon 2014.

Our first videos feature our three keynote presentations from Bjarne Stroustrup, Mark Maimone, and Mike Acton; as well as our opening and closing plenary sessions from Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter. 

Over the next few weeks we’ll be uploading videos of most of the conference sessions including panels, lightning talks, and over one hundred sessions from the six tracks that made up the core of our conference program. The first two of our regular session uploads are from Michael Caisse and Thomas Rodgers.

We’d like to thank the speakers for allowing these sessions to be recorded and shared and Bash Films for the production of these videos.

Fun with C++14 Lambdas at Silicon Valley Code Camp -- Sumant Tambe

If you're going to SVCC'14, check out the C++ sessions:

Fun with C++14 Lambdas at Silicon Valley Code Camp

by Sumant Tambe

From the article:

Believe it or not, but the 9th Silicon Valley Code Camp is less than 2 weeks away and I can't wait to be at the largest software technology conference setup by developers for developers -- and here is the best part -- at no cost to the attendees. So far, there are 234 registered sessions, 7 technical tracks, and over 3100 registrations. So mark your calendar -- it's October 11th and 12th, Saturday and Sunday, as always.

C++ is hot again at SVCC and third year in a row there is a dedicated track for modern C++...

Stroustrup on "The Essence of C++" -- Montreal, Canada, on October 7

Just announced today, Bjarne Stroustrup will be giving a free public talk in Montreal, Canada, on October 7:

Bjarne Stroustrup, celebrated inventor of the C++ language, in Montreal

A free conference presented October 7 by Morgan Stanley and TechnoMontréal

From the press release:

This free event, presented in collaboration with TechnoMontréal, will be held at Place des Arts at 2:30 pm. Only 1,000 tickets are available and can be booked through the Place des Arts box office.

The conference, presented in English, will be of particular interest to software developers. Building on the distinctive foundations of C ++, Stroustrup will examine how new and existing features support (or distract from) programming, and how they promote an innovative style of design that is more efficient. Developers from Morgan Stanley's Technology & Engineering Centre in Montreal will be present to answer questions after the conference.

The Essence of C++
A technical conference with Bjarne Stroustrup
October 7, 2014, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm
(Doors open at 2:00 pm)
Places des Arts, Théâtre Maisonneuve
175 Ste Catherine Street West

Free event – limited seating!

Less than two weeks till C++ and Beyond Stuttgart

If you're in Europe and couldn't attend last week's CppCon, you have a closer option available: C++ and Beyond in Stuttgart with Scott Meyers, Herb Sutter, and Andrei Alexandrescu will be held on September 29 through October 1. Registration is still open.

C&B is a different event from CppCon -- a more intimate and interactive seminar, with classic material that the Three Amigos gave at C++ and Beyond in the past, plus breaking updates.

From the blogosphere:

C&B Stuttgart Just Two Weeks Away!
by Scott Meyers

Next stop: Stuttgart
by Herb Sutter