Bjarne Stroustrup "Make Simple Tasks Simple!" at CodeRage 9 -- Wed Oct 29, 9-11am PDT
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning, North American Pacific time, as the CodeRage conference will replay the CppCon "Make Simple Things Simpler!" keynote and take live Q&A with the keynoter, Bjarne Stroustrup:
Bjarne Stroustrup "Make Simple Tasks Simple!" at CodeRage 9 -- Wednesday, Oct. 29: 9-11am PDT
by David Intersimone
From the article:
... This time we will be doing things a little bit differently. We will watch a replay of Bjarne's wonderful CppCon 2014 Keynote, "Make Simple Tasks Simple!", and then have a live Q&A with Bjarne to complete the 2 hour session. [This] will take place on Wednesday, October 29 from 9am to 11am Pacific Time (12noon to 2pm Eastern Time) on the C++ track live stream.... You can submit questions live during the session or you can email questions in advance by sending them to davidi at embarcadero dot com using the subject line "Ask Bjarne during CodeRage 9".