
Announcing the Student and Accessibility tickets for Meeting C++ 2017!

The programs for student and accessibility tickets are open until October 15th!

Announcing the Student and Accessibility tickets

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This is the 4th year where Meeting C++ is offering free tickets for students. Since last year, there is also a contingent for the underrepresented and those, not able to afford a Meeting C++ ticket.

Playing with C++ Coroutines--Sumant Tambe

An old presentation about coroutines:

Playing with C++ Coroutines

by Sumant Tambe

From the article:

While looking for some old photos, I stumbled upon my own presentation on C++ coroutines, which I never posted online to a broader audience. I presented this material in SF Bay ACCU meetup and at the DC Polyglot meetup in early 2016! Yeah, it's been a while. It's based on much longer blogpost about Asynchronous RPC using modern C++. So without further ado...

C++ Siberia 2017

cppsiberia.PNGThis year C++ Siberia conference will take place in Tomsk at 25-26 of August. The opening keynote will be given by Ivan Cukic.  The conference will be held at Tomsk State University.

The conference information (Russian language):

C++ Siberia

Tomsk, Siberia, 25-26 August

Check out Siberia this summer!

Confirmed speakers & talks at Meeting C++ 2017

A first list on confirmed speakers and their talks for this years Meeting C++ conference!

Confirmed Speakers & Talks at Meeting C++ 2017

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Last week the decisions for who could speak at Meeting C++ 2017 was made, and the selected candidates were contacted. Here is a little overview on talks and speakers for this years conference. There is a few speakers which haven't reacted yet, hope to share these talks soon too.

CppCon 2017: Early bird registration ends this weekend

A reminder from the CppCon blog:

Early bird registration ends this weekend

by Jon Kalb

From the post:

No matter when you register for CppCon 2017, you be able to meet with:

  • over a thousand other professional C++ engineers, including book, blog, and library authors, standards committee members, compiler and other tool implementers, and teachers and trainers;
  • scores of the best presenters in the industry; and
  • exhibitors from all over the world

and attend:

  • five days of six or seven tracks of peer-reviewed presentations,
  • daily plenary talks from recognized industry leaders,
  • multiple lightning talk sessions,
  • expert panels and special sessions,
  • poster presentations, and
  • social events.

But if you do it this week, you save more than enough money to join us at the Boeing Future of Flight Field Trip.

To help you decide, here is this year’s promo video:

Italian C++ Conference 2017--Marco Arena

Summary and stats of the biggest C++ event in Italy:

Italian C++ Conference 2017

by Marco Arena

From the article:

Last June 17 we had the Italian C++ Conference 2017 in Milan, one of the events totally focused on C++ organized by the Italian C++ Community that I lead and manage...


Videos will be published soon. Further communication will follow.

Meeting C++ 2017: Call for sponsors

The Meeting C++ conference is looking for sponsors

Meeting C++ 2017: Call for sponsors

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Like in the last 5 years, the Meeting C++ conference is looking for companies willing to support the conference through sponsoring! There is also the limited option of presenting your company at the conference with a booth!

CppCon 2017 Call for Poster Submissions

The next CppCon conference is in Bellevue, Washington September 24-29.

CppCon 2017 Call for Poster Submissions

by Bob Steagall

From the announcement:

Are you doing something really cool with C++? We want you to share it with the C++ community by creating a poster and presenting it at CppCon 2017.

The poster submissions deadline is July 23, with decisions sent by August 14.  For topic ideas, submission instructions, and advice on making the best possible submission, see the CppCon 2017 Poster Submissions page.


Live Webinar: Developing C/C++ projects with CLion IDE and Conan C/C++ package manager--Kazakova

Learning about interesting tools!

Live Webinar: Developing C/C++ projects with CLion IDE and Conan C/C++ package manager

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

This webinar will provide an introduction to developing large C/C++ projects using the package modularization and reuse offered by Conan package manager, and the power and convenience of the CLion IDE, using the CMake build system.