trip report: first ISO C++ meeting experience -- Vittorio Romeo

This trip report covers the author's first ISO C++ meeting experience. Vittorio talks about the most interesting interactions and papers discussed in Jacksonville, while also sharing some of his thoughts regarding controversial topics such as modules and 2D graphics.

trip report: first ISO C++ meeting experience

By Vittorio Romeo

From the article:

I'm back in London from Jacksonville, where I attended my first ISO C++ meeting. Apart from the long flights and long working hours, it has been a very enjoyable experience for multiple reasons: [...]

[...] almost every interaction when debating a paper was very well motivated, and I found myself thinking "that's a very good point" very often, even when two conflicting opinions were being stated one right after the other [...]

Guy Davidson's Jacksonville Trip Report

Having landed safely in Britain and recovered somewhat from his mystery illness, Guy has prepared a trip report, paying particular attention to the drama of the 2D Graphics paper and the unexpected interruption to the closing plenary.

Oh, lock-free circular buffers, yay! Hey, no 2D graphics? Jacksonville trip report

by Guy Davidson

From the article:

Right now, both library groups are processing fewer papers than they receive. There are 19 sessions of about two hours during each meeting, and LWG spent the first five sessions on P0214, Data-Parallel Vector Types & Operations (for the Parallelism TS), which defines some SIMD types. I was delighted to be in on this, and even offered to scribe but found it impossibly hard, unlike my stint in LEWG at Toronto. However, it was during the fourth of these sessions that I started to feel distinctly unwell.

Text Formatting at the ISO C++ standards meeting in Jacksonville--Victor Zverovich

A good library fro formatting in the standard, soon?

Text Formatting at the ISO C++ standards meeting in Jacksonville

by Victor Zverovich

From the article:

This week I attended the ISO C++ standards committee meeting to present the second revision of my paper P0645R1 Text Formatting, based on the {fmt} formatting library. The first revision was reviewed by Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG) in June 2017 in Toronto and there was a lot of feedback, particularly I’ve been asked to

  • investigate compile-time format string processing,
  • look at using or explain why not to use an output iterator,
  • use string_view,
  • allow pre-computation of output size,
  • add benchmarks.

It took me a while to address all the feedback, especially the first two items which required substantial API and implementation changes, so I had to skip the meeting in Albuquerque. However, this ultimately resulted in a much better API so I’m grateful to LEWG for the helpful guidance. Despite all the negative press covfefe “design by committee” sometimes works surprisingly well...

emBO++ 2018 Trip Report--Simon Brand

Were you there?

emBO++ 2018 Trip Report

by Simon Brand

From the article:

emBO++ is a conference focused on C++ on embedded systems in Bochum, Germany. This was it’s second year of operation, but the first that I’ve been along to. It was a great conference, so I’m writing a short report to hopefully convince more of you to attend next year!

The “unsigned for value range” antipattern--Arthur O’Dwyer

What do you think?

The “unsigned for value range” antipattern

by Arthur O’Dwyer

From the article:

Background: Signed Integers Are (Not Yet) Two’s Complement
At the WG21 committee meeting which is currently underway in Jacksonville, JF Bastien will be presenting a proposal to make C++’s int data type wrap around on overflow. That is, where today the expression INT_MAX + 1 has undefined behavior, JF would like to see that expression formally defined to come out equal to INT_MIN...

wxWidgets 3.0.4 Released

The wxWidgets team is pleased to announce a new release of our open source framework for the development of native cross-platform applications in C++.

wxWidgets Release 3.0.4

by the wxWidgets team

About the release:

wxWidgets 3.0.4 is a stable bug fix release in 3.0 branch.

More information is available at wxWidgets home page and in the online documentation.

Announcing the Meeting C++ employer listing

News from Meeting C++: the job section features now a listing of C++ employers, which support Meeting C++. Also you can post your own jobs now at Meeting C++!

The Meeting C++ employer listing is online

by Jens Weller

From the article:

With this week, a feature of the old website returns: the Meeting C++ employer listing. So companies with open C++ positions get a permanent representation at Meeting C++ with their profile and contact information.

String’s competing constructors--Andrzej Krzemieński

A tough problem.

String’s competing constructors

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

Let’s start with the problem. I want to check whether a program received a text message that consists of four consecutive zeroes. Not '0', but the numeric zero. I will create a constant std::string representing the special sequence and compare the messages (also stored as std::strings) I receive...

POCO Release 1.9.0 Available

POCO 1.9.0 is now available:

POCO Release 1.9.0 available

by POCO Team

About the release

POCO C++ Libraries release 1.9.0 is available. Major new features include additional text encodings, available in the Poco::Encodings library, and support for Internationalized Domain Names in the Poco::Net::DNS class.

See the CHANGELOG for the full list of all 20+ changes. Upgrading to this release is recommended.