Mathematics behind Comparison #4: Three-Way Comparison--Jonathan Müller

Everything you need to know!

Mathematics behind Comparison #4: Three-Way Comparison

by Jonathan Müller

From the article:

In order to sort a collection of elements you need to provide a sorting predicate that determines when one element is less than the other. This predicate must “induce a strict total ordering on the equivalence classes” according to cppreference. Wait, what?

The upcoming C++ spaceship operator implements a three-way comparison, i.e. it is a single function that can return the results of <, == and > combined. But related to it are terms like “strong equality” and “weak ordering” which are somewhat confusing if you don’t have the mathematical background.

So let’s untangle it: This series will explain both the mathematics behind equality and ordering, as well as give concrete guidelines for implementing the comparison operators and the spaceship operator.

Now that we’ve covered both equivalence and ordering relations we can finally talk about the spaceship operator and three-way comparisons...

Quick Q: How to track newer C++ std documents of given topic?

Quick A: Use

Recently on SO:

How to track newer C++ std documents of given topic?

For the newer proposals (ones that start with the letter P) you can use redirect service to obtain the latest document: - WG21 redirect service.

Usage: Get paper.
Get working draft.
Get issue.
Get everything.
Get usage.

For example for P0476: Bit-casting object representations if we use we obtain the latest version which is P0476R2.

In my answer to How does the standards committee indicate the status of a paper under consideration? I go into more details of the WG21 site and what documents you can find there.

Use the everything link for Pre P proposals
If we use the wg21 redirect service Get Everything link we can do a text search for the paper title. So for your example Improvements to std::future<T> and Related APIs we can see the last document is N3857:

"N3857": {
"type": "paper",
"title": "Improvements to std::future and Related APIs",
"subgroup": "Concurrency",
"author": "N. Gustafsson, A. Laksberg, H. Sutter, S. Mithani",
"long_link": "",
"link": "",
"source": "",
"date": "2014-01-16"

CppCast Episode 166: CppCon Poster Program and Interface Design with Bob Steagall

Episode 166 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Bob Steagall to discuss his history with C++, the CppCon poster program and his upcoming talks.

CppCast Episode 166: CppCon Poster Program and Interface Design with Bob Steagall

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Bob is a Principal Engineer with GliaCell Technologies. He's been working almost exclusively in C++ since discovering the second edition of The C++ Programming Language in a college bookstore in 1992. The majority of his career was spent in medical imaging, where he led teams building applications for functional MRI and CT-based cardiac visualization. After a brief detour through the worlds of DNS and analytics, he's now working in the area of distributed stream processing. Bob is a relatively new member of the C++ Standardization Committee, and launched a blog earlier this year to write about C++ and topics related to software engineering. He holds BS and MS degrees in Physics, is an avid cyclist, and lives in fear of his wife's cats.

CppCon 2017: Type Punning in C++17: Avoiding Pun-defined Behavior--Scott Schurr

Have you registered for CppCon 2018 in September? Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2017 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Type Punning in C++17: Avoiding Pun-defined Behavior

by Scott Schurr

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Type punning, treating a type as though it is a different type, has a long and sordid history in C and C++. But, as much as we'd like to deny its existence, it plays an important role in efficient low-level code. If you've ever written a program that examines the individual bits of a pointer or of a floating point number, then you've done type punning.

Given its long legacy, some of the techniques for type punning that were appropriate, even encouraged, earlier in history now live in the realm of undefined behavior. We'll identify which techniques are now proscribed and postulate why. We'll also explore ways to do type punning in C++17 that sidestep undefined behavior and are hopefully as efficient as the older techniques.

In this session we will look at:
o Common (and some uncommon) motivations for type punning.
o Techniques for type punning, both good and bad, all ugly.
o Related topics (like type conversions and std::launder()) with an eye toward unspecified and undefined behavior.

Metashell 4.0.0 is available

Metashell provides a compile-time debugger for debugging template instantiations and macro usage.

Metashell 4.0.0 is available

From the website:

Some of the major new features in 4.0.0:

  • The template debugger supports the Templight patch already merged into Clang (7.0.0), therefore it does not require custom Clang builds.
  • Preprocessor shell support for GCC, MSVC and Boost.Wave
  • PDB, the preprocessor debugger (similar to MDB, the template debugger)
  • Using different configs in Metashell (for testing the same templates/macros with different compilers)

The full list of changes can be found here.

An online demo can be found at

Installers can be downloaded from

Free C++ Course

Free C++ course starting 18th September 2018.

Free C++ Cour​se

About the course:

This is free course, aimed at beginners and intermediate users. Our syllabus is based on Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, 2nd Edition.

Who can benefit from this course:

  1. People who have no experience with coding
  2. People that come from different languages such as Java, Python, C# etc
  3. Developers that would like to refresh their C++ knowledge


Please check our website for up to date details

London and Online

London - CodeNode 10 South Pl, London EC2M 7EB

Online - (Please RSVP on our host website https:://


Every Tuesday lecture

London - from 18:15 GMT

Online - from 18:30 GMT or soon after

Every Thursday workshop

London - from 18:15 GMT

CppCon 2017: When a Microsecond Is an Eternity: High Performance Trading Systems in C++--Carl Cook

Have you registered for CppCon 2018 in September? Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2017 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

When a Microsecond Is an Eternity: High Performance Trading Systems in C++

by Carl Cook

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Automated trading involves submitting electronic orders rapidly when opportunities arise. But it’s harder than it seems: either your system is the fastest and you make the trade, or you get nothing.

This is a considerable challenge for any C++ developer - the critical path is only a fraction of the total codebase, it is invoked infrequently and unpredictably, yet must execute quickly and without delay. Unfortunately we can’t rely on the help of compilers, operating systems and standard hardware, as they typically aim for maximum throughput and fairness across all processes.

This talk describes how successful low latency trading systems can be developed in C++, demonstrating common coding techniques used to reduce execution times. While automated trading is used as the motivation for this talk, the topics discussed are equally valid to other domains such as game development and soft real-time processing.

CppCast Episode 165: Formal Verification with Matt Fernandez

Episode 165 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Matt Fernandez from Intel Labs to discuss Formal Verification.

CppCast Episode 165: Formal Verification with Matt Fernandez

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Matthew Fernandez is a Research Scientist with Intel Labs. Matt began his programming career building Windows GUI applications and designing databases, before moving into operating system architecture and security. He has a PhD in formal verification of operating systems from the University of New South Wales in Australia, and worked with the Australian research group Data61. In the past, he has worked on compilers, device drivers and hypervisors, and now spends his days exploring new tools and techniques for functional correctness and verification of security properties. On the weekends, you can usually find Matt in a park with a good book, hunting for good coffee or helping a newbie debug their code. He hopes to avoid saying “monad” on this podcast.