PVS-Studio 7.04

PVS-Studio is a tool designed to detect errors and potential vulnerabilities in the source code of programs, written in C, C++, C#, Java. It works in Windows, Linux, and macOS environment.

PVS-Studio 7.04

by Svyatoslav Razmyslov

From the article:

When working on a task developers take code from so many various places. A popular source of Copy-Paste code is the Stackoverflow website and similar ones. There are cases when a developer takes the code from an open source project and doesn't check license requirements. Thus, a closed source project may accidentally get a few files from an open source project with a Copyleft license, which obliges to make the entire project code open source. In companies with a large number of employees, it's difficult to keep track of this, whereas such actions might cause adverse risks and problems. So, PVS-Studio now has a diagnostic, which will help to find such files. It relates to all supported languages (C, C++, C#, Java). The diagnostic is looking for the following "virus" licenses: AGPL-3.0, GPL-2.0, GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0.

fixing c++ with epochs -- Vittorio Romeo

This article proposes a mechanism to allow seemingly backwards-incompatible changes to C++'s syntax while actually maintaining backwards compatibility, leveraging the isolation of upcoming module units. The idea is similar to Rust's "Editions" mechanism. The post explains how the feature would work and how C++ would benefit from it.

fixing c++ with epochs

by Vittorio Romeo

From the article:

Imagine that you have been designing a programming language for over 30 years and that it gradually became widely used across the globe. Some of the decisions you made at the beginning were excellent and contributed to the success of your project. Some others, however, were not the best: over the years you and your users realized that the world would have been a better place if those choices you made eons ago were slightly different. [...]

What if I told you that I could fix all of your problems? Even better, what if I told you that backward-compatibility will never be broken and that migration to newer versions of your language could be automated?

CppCon 2018: Applied Best Practices--Jason Turner

We’re in the final countdown to this year’s CppCon, which starts on September 16. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2019!

Applied Best Practices

by Jason Turner

Summary of the talk:

What happens when we start a project from scratch and try to apply all of the best practices? How well do constexpr, noexcept, [[nodiscard]] and other features interact with each other? Is it possible to apply all of the best practices at once, or will they conflict with each other? We will explore current best practices and examine their impact on compile time, runtime and testing. We'll also see some of the unexpected effects that result when best practices are applied to a new project.

Sourcetrail 2019.3 released -- Eberhard Gräther

Sourcetrail is a cross-platform Visual Source Explorer based on LLVM/Clang

<img alt="" data-cke-saved-src="https://www.sourcetrail.com/blog/images/release_2019_3/composition_trail.png" src="https://www.sourcetrail.com/blog/images/release_2019_3/composition_trail.png" 2638px;="" height:="" 1634px;"="" style="height: 142px; width: 230px; float: right;">

Sourcetrail 2019.3 released

by Eberhard Gräther

From the article:

The Sourcetrail 2019.3 release introduces the new Custom Trail dialog to query and display connections between any two symbols. Additionally, the new release brings Precompiled Header (PCH) Support for C and C++ projects to speed up the indexing step.

CppCon 2018: Simplicity: Not Just For Beginners--Kate Gregory

We’re in the final countdown to this year’s CppCon, which starts on September 16. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2019!

Simplicity: Not Just For Beginners

by Kate Gregory

Summary of the talk:

Many people say that simple code is better code, but fewer put it into practice. In this talk I’ll spend a little time on why simpler is better, and why we resist simplicity. Then I’ll provide some specific approaches that are likely to make your code simpler, and discuss what you need to know and do in order to consistently write simpler code and reap the benefits of that simplicity.

CppCon 2018: The Bits Between the Bits: How We Get to main()--Matt Godbolt

We’re in the final countdown to this year’s CppCon, which starts on September 16. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2019!

The Bits Between the Bits: How We Get to main()

by Matt Godbolt

Summary of the talk:

When you run your C++ code, have you ever considered how the linker, loader, operating system, C and C++ runtime all work so hard to get everything set up for you to start running your code in main()?

In this Linux-focused talk, Matt will talk about how the linker stitches together your code and how that fits in with dynamic linking. He'll touch on debugging issues with the loader, and how ODR violations can manifest themselves. Then he'll take a look at what's going on behind the scenes to get the C runtime up, and then the C++ runtime, along with all the global object constructors - showing more reasons why you shouldn't be using them!

By the end of the talk you should have an understanding of how a bundle of object files are brought together by the linker, along with the relevant runtimes, and then loaded and executed by the operating system.