
The Meeting C++ online job fair is next week!

Next week Tuesday and Wednesday Meeting C++ again organizes an online C++ job fair.

Meeting C++ online job fair

Meetup event for Tuesday afternoon (15-18:00 CEST)

Meetup event for Wednesday evening (20-23:00 CEST)

by Jens Weller

About the event:

The event gives the community the chance to get to know employers and companies searching for new hires in C++. The events will happen in remo, and are 3 hours long, you can come at any time to chat with the attending companies. Also you can share your CV with some of the companies via

For employers, you still can book a free table or the listing in the CV Sharing form, which will also give you a bit more of visibility with the logo at

Online C++ User Group Meetings in May 2021

The monthly overview of upcoming C++ User Group meetings!

Online C++ User Group Meetings in May 2021

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. A bit later then usual, seems my talk at C++now and announcing Meeting C++ 2021 has kept me a bit too busy.

Next week Tuesday: Meeting C++ online - May - Design Patterns - Facts and Misconceptions with Klaus Iglberger. If you're interested in this topic, Klaus also gives a training on Modern C++ and Design Patterns in June.

Announcing Meeting C++ 2021 online conference!

This years Meeting C++ conference has been announced! It will be from Nov 10-12th online.

Announcing Meeting C++ 2021 online conference!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Finally I can announce the official start of this years conference with the begin of the call for talks and the first batch of tickets available!

Meeting C++ 2021 will be from 10th - 12th November (Wed- Fri) and 100% online. Thats different from last year, when part of the planning always had to keep in mind that a hybrid event might become the "better" format due to venue contracts. This was one of the reasons last years conference was single track. Like every year the conference will run under Berlin Code of Conduct.

The most popular C++ standard features

The next article on the results from the Meeting C++ survey

The most popular C++ standard features

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Continuing the series about the Meeting C++ survey results with a look at the standard features. Last week I compared the ISOCPP survey to the one of Meeting C++.

When I was looking into the questions I could ask in the survey tool, it came to my mind that it would be interesting to know more about the details of standards, not just asking for which standard folks use in various ways. So in this blog post, I'm going to show you the questions about standard feature usage.

Join tomorrows online C++ tool fair organized by Meeting C++

Tomorrow evening(CEST) Meeting C++ organizes the first online C++ tool fair! Join the event to talk to 8 tool vendors! You'll be able to ask questions and see demos of the tools!

Online C++ tool fair

by Jens Weller

About the event:

Similar to the job fair, I decided to host a short tool fair in April, to give the community the chance to see demos and extend their knowledge around C++ tooling!
Event will happen between 20:00 - 22 CEST. works best in Chrome (only officially supported browser). The mobile app/web client may or may not work.

Present at the event:

Compiler Explorer (Matt Godbolt)
C++ insights (Andreas Fertig)
Quick Bench (Fred Tingaud) and the Poco project (Günter Obiltschnig)

Mathematical constants in C++20

Hightlighting a less known C++20 feature:

Mathematical constants in C++20

by Jens Weller

From the article:

When I researched the library and language features of C++20 for the Meeting C++ Community survey, this feature catched my eye.

And I thought its such a nice small feature, I should mention it on the blog. As all other C++20 blog posts right now seem to be about coroutines. It also is a nice follow up on an old blog of mine: C++ & π, where I showed the various ways of obtaining pi for C++ in 2013...

Organizing the first Meeting C++ online tool fair on April 20th!

A new kind of online event: a tool fair to watch tool demos, meet with vendors and learn about C++ tooling.

Organizing the first Meeting C++ online tool fair on April 20th!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

On the evening of April 20th you'll be able to see demos, meet and chat with different C++ tool vendors at the online C++ tool fair!

Join the event on Meetup.

C++ User Group Meetings in April 2021

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings

C++ User Group Meetings in April 2021

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly list of upcoming C++ User Group meetings, still online due to the pandemic!

In April Meeting C++ online hosts two different events: on April 8th Andreas Fertig will speak about C++ insights and on April 20th Meeting C++ hosts an online C++ Tool fair.

There is 1 new C++ User Group: Vorarlberg.