
Upcoming C++ User Group meetings in November

The monthly listing of upcoming C++ User Group meetings at Meeting C++

Upcoming C++ User Group meetings in November

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on C++ User Group meetings being announced by the start of the month!

This month features 4 Events organized by Meeting C++:

    2.11 Meeting C++ online - What you can learn from being too cute: why you should write code
    4.11 Meeting Emedded 2021
    10.11 Meeting C++ 2021
    16.11 Meeting C++ online job fair

There is 1 new C++ User Groups: Odense.


How Meeting C++ can help you to close your C++ knowledge gap

Update your C++ skills with Meeting C++!

How Meeting C++ can help you to close your C++ knowledge gap

by Jens Weller

From the article

With 1.5 years of the pandemic behind us and one more "season" ahead for many of us, I'd like to show you how you can improve your C++ skills with the events organized by Meeting C++!

Meeting C++ organizes many online Events on Hubilo with its Meeting C++ online User Group. This started over a year ago and today it hosts 1 - 2 evenings of C++ content per month. Usually a talk or a fair like the online C++ job fair or the book & tool fair. The next meeting of this User Group is next week, hosting Daisy Hollmans CppCon Talk What you can learn from being too cute: why you should write code that you should never write.

Results and Statistics from the September Meeting C++ online job fair

A posting some insights and statistics from the last job fair.

Results and Statistics from the September Meeting C++ online job fair

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In September Meeting C++ online organized an online C++ Job fair, in this blog post I'm going to write about some of the lessons learned and a few new insights from the attendee data.

First, the next online job fair is mid November, book your table if you'd like to attend as an employer. Or become listed in the Meeting C++ employer listing for one year.

About Student- and Supporttickets and volunteering at Meeting C++ 2021

You can register until the end of October for the Student and Supporttickets, or apply as a volunteer for Meeting C++ 2021.

About Student- and Supporttickets and volunteering at Meeting C++ 2021

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A quick reminder, that you can register for the Student and Supporttickets for Meeting C++ 2021 until the end of October! Plus a bit on volunteering.

Like in the last years Meeting C++ also offers in 2021 a way to attend the conference for Students through the Studentticket and for various other groups through the Supportticket. This years conference is online and a unique opportunity to get to know the C++ community. You'll be able to attend the conference for the full 3 days, Hubilo is a great platform to view the sessions or hang out in the lounge to have a discussion about C++.

Find your dream C++ job at the Meeting C++ online job fair!

Next week is the 3rd online C++ job fair organized by Meeting C++. Attendees have the chance to talk to 8 C++ employers, more companies are welcome to join the event until next week! You can already submit your CV/resume via the upload form at Meeting C++ with the sponsors of the event.

Find your dream C++ job next week!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The 3rd edition of the Meeting C++ online job fair is next week on September 28th & 29th!

Each of the events lasts 3 hours in which you can hop from table to table to meet with different employers! Right now you are able to already submit your application via the CV/resume sharing form with the 3 companies sponsoring the event. The event will be hosted for the first time on Hubilo, which features a lounge as the main event part. On Tuesday the event in in the European Afternoon, which is also great for folks from Asia/Oceania to join, while the event on wednesday evening (CEST) is easier to join for folks from the Americas and Europe/Africa.

Highlighting the free Student and Support tickets for Meeting C++ 2021

Like in the last years, Meeting C++ hosts two programs to allow students, under represented folks and others to participate in the conference.

Highlighting the Student and Support tickets for Meeting C++ 2021

by Jens Weller

From the article:

With the talk listing published, and the schedule coming soon, I'd like to highlight the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2021.

For a few years now Meeting C++ has hosted programs to give students, underrepresented folks and those who can't afford a ticket access to the conference. This is supported through the ticket sales and some times sponsorships...