
A few details and thoughts on online events like Meeting C++ online

Some details and backgrounds on how the online events like CppCon and Meeting C++ 2020/online work

A few details and thoughts on online events like Meeting C++ online

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A few weeks ago I announced Meeting C++ online, and now the first two online events have happend. Now I'd like to share a bit more details with you.

Announcing Meeting C++ online!

Meeting C++ online is a series of virtual events organized by Meeting C++ for the C++ community.

Announcing Meeting C++ online!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This year has brought a new age, and Meeting C++ will embrace this with hosting online only events in addition to the yearly conference. Its natural addition to what Meeting C++ already offers for the C++ Community. So Meeting C++ online will be a series of different virtual events organized by Meeting C++ for the C++ community.

8 years of Meeting C++

8 years ago in 2012, Meeting C++ got started!

8 years of Meeting C++

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In 2012 Meeting C++ got started in July. Planned first to be a one off conference, now it is a successfull international conference and a platform for C++ on the internet.

The voting on the talks for Meeting C++ 2020 begins!

The yearly voting for the program of the yearly Meeting C++ Conference has started!

The voting on the talks for Meeting C++ 2020 begins!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

With today, you can start to vote on all submitted talks for Meeting C++ 2020! As 2020 is a bit special, it is less talks, but also this years conference will only feature one track, the voting will give me guiding in which talks to choose from speakers with multiple talks, but also will help to see which other speakers might should make it to the conference. Unlike prior years the main track can't be the mostly consisting out of the most popular talks of the voting.