
CppCon 2016 registration is open

The early bird registration for the upcoming CppCon 2016 in September is open.


Early Bird registration

The big new is that there are six classes that will be held on the Saturday and Sunday before the conference. Attendees can choose between classes on the Core Guidelines, concurrency, embedded developement, C++11/14, Qt/Widgets, and low-latency programming taught by some of the best instructors in the industry.

Registration opportunties also include a field trip to Seattle's Living Computer Museum, attending the Standards Committee's Study Group on game development and low-latency, and getting logo'ed shirts.

C++ User Group Meetings in February

The monthly listing of upcoming C++ User Group meetings at Meeting C++:

C++ User Group Meetings in February

by Jens Weller

From the article

The monthly overview on the upcoming C++ User Group meetings! In the shortest month of the year there are still 21 C++ User Groups which are meeting!

There are 7 new C++ User Groups: Sofia, Ho Chi Minh, Iasi, Noida, Macedonia, Buenos Aires, Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt).

C++ in 2016

A short overview on what is to expect from C++ in 2016:

C++ in 2016

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Like in the previous years, a short outlook into the fresh year regarding C++...

LLVM/Clang Sprint hosted by Bloomberg

Come and have fun hacking on LLVM, Clang and other projects in the LLVM ecosystem!

Clang/LLVM Sprint Weekend in New York and London

Bloomberg is hosting a sprint weekend on the 6th & 7th of February 2016 in New York and London.

Entrance is free, registration is required! Internet access, food, beverages and mentors will be provided. Bring your own laptop and C++ skills.

"Quick Start" sessions will be provided for those who are new to the project. It's a great opportunity to learn and contribute!

The sessions will run on Saturday from 10:00-22:00 and on Sunday from 10:00-17:00. There will be no access to the facilities between 22:00 on Saturday evening and 10:00 Sunday morning.

New York:


Android++ is now open source

The title says all:

Android++ is now open source

From the article:

Android++ is a freely distributed extension and associated MSBuild scripts designed to enable Android application development within Visual Studio. Primarily for NDK based C/C++ applications, it also incorporates customisable deployment, resource management, and integrated Java source compilation.

Wandbox online compiler -- Bartosz Bielecki

The online compiler Wandbox offers new functionality.


It offers now the following features:

  • support for newest (HEAD) versions of GCC and Clang
  • support for various versions of Boost (from 1.47 to 1.60)
  • support for emacs/vim key bindings
  • permalinking your code snippets

C++ User Group Meetings in January

The monthly update of C++ User Group Meetings at Meeting C++:

C++ User Group Meetings in January 2016

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings! There is a new C++ User Group in Iasi, Romania and a lot of C++ User Groups which are meeting in January!

Maybe you want to start a C++ User Group in 2016? Also feel free to contact me on the topic!

C++Now 2016 Call for Submissions is Live

C++Now 2016 will be held in Aspen, May 9–14, 2016.cpp_Now.png

C++Now 2016 Call for Submissions

From the invitation:

Building upon the resounding success of previous BoostCon and C++Now conferences, C++Now 2016 will present leading speakers from the whole C++ community.

The C++Now Conference is dedicated to discussion and education about C++, an open and free language and standard.  Our Conference will focus on discussion and education about open source software usage and developments in the C++ developer and user community. To reflect the breadth of the C++ and Boost communities, the conference includes sessions aimed at three constituencies: C++ and Boost end-users, hard-core library and tool developers, and researchers pushing the boundaries of computation. The program fosters interaction and engagement within and across those groups, with an emphasis on discussion.

As a multi-paradigm language, C++ is a melting pot with the most compelling ideas from other programming communities blending in powerful ways. Historically, some of the most popular sessions at C++Now have highlighted these concepts, from DSLs to functional programming to transactional memory and more.  Bring your C#, Python, Ruby or Haskell influences to bear in an environment that will broaden their exposure.

At C++Now 2016 we would like to focus on the now established C++11 and C++14 standards and how those standards shape C++’s future. However, by no means is this intended to restrict the topics of proposals we hope to see. Any other topic related to C++, as described below, is suitable for submission.

This year's window for submitting is shorter than normal. Submissions must be in by January 29th, less than four weeks away.