
Clang-Tidy, part 1: Modernize your source code using C++11/C++14--Kevin Funk

Do you know what is clang-tidy and how to use it?

Clang-Tidy, part 1: Modernize your source code using C++11/C++14

by Kevin Funk

From the article:

This blog series will introduce the clang-tidy utility from the Clang/LLVM project and show how to use it to automatically refactor C++ source code and integrate with your build system, as well as how to use the tool on other platforms than Unices.

ACCU 2017 Early Bird Ends Soon

The early bird rates for the upcomming ACCU 2017 conference in Bristol, UK ends midnight on Monday 6th March 2017.

ACCU 2017 Conference Registration

by the ACCU conference

About the conference:

ACCU 2017 is set to be bigger and better than ever, with keynotes from Herb Sutter, Frances Buontempo, Brad Chamberlain and Russ Miles. There are also Pre-Conference Tutorials available on Tuesday 24th April, and 5 parallel streams of informative presentations/discussions throughout the course of the week. With origins in the C User Group UK and the European C++ User Group, ACCU remains proud of its C and C++ heritage and is arguably the premier UK and European conference covering these languages. Whilst celebrating its C origins, ACCU also offers its polyglot programmers insight and new trends on native and other programming languages. It’s one not to be missed!

Generating Sequences

A virtual container.

Generating Sequences

By Anthony Williams

From the article:

I was having a discussion with my son over breakfast about C++ and Python, and he asked me if C++ had anything equivalent to Python's range() function for generating a sequence of integers. I had to tell him that no, the C++ standard library didn't supply such a function, but there were algorithms for generating sequences (std::generate and std::generate_n) into an existing container, and you could write something that would provide a "virtual" container that would supply a sequence as you iterated over it with range-for...

C++ User Group Meetings in March

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in March

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. Its already 39 User Groups meetings in March, I expect a few more User Groups to announce their meetings in the coming weeks!

There are 3 new C++ User Groups...

CppChat[12]: + As a Service


CppChat[12]: + As a Service

with Jackie Kay, Robert Ramey, and Jon Kalb

From the chat:

Jackie, Robert, and Jon discuss Jackie's talk at last week's emBO++ and the upcoming Boost review of Robert's Safe Numerics library. We also discuss Kona, Slack, C++Now, and functional programming C++.

C++ User Group Sofia first year

A nice round up on the first year of the C++ User Group in Sofia:

C++ User Group Sofia first year

by Dimitar Mirchev

From the article

Some time in November 2015 we decided that it is a shame that we do not have a C++ User Group in Sofia, Bulgaria, and we decided that instead of waiting to just make it. This is a retro and an overview of what happened in our first year. I hope you find it helpful and inspirational.

Coding dojo in C++ Madrid | March 2017 @ Tuenti

Madrid's C++ meetup is organizing a Coding Dojo at Tuenti's HQ (calle Valverde, ID required).

Title: Coding "dojo" C++ moderno (C++11, C++14)

Organized by C++ Madrid

Several katas will be proposed by Manu Sánchez, Diego Rodríguez-Losada and Esteve Fernández which will be solved and discussed in common. Read more in the link above [in Spanish].


We've got a full house already!! Thanks for your interest.

Overload 137 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of February 2017 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 137 is now available

From the journal:

Mean Properties
Property based testing is all the rage. Russel Winder walks us through an example of properties an arithmetic mean function should have. by Russel Winder

The Importance of Back-of-Envelope Estimates
Guestimate questions make many people grumble. Sergey Ignatchenko reminds us why they matter. by Sergey Ignatchenko

Multiprocessing and Clusters in Python
Multiprocessing is possible in Python. Silas S. Brown shows us various ways. by Silas S. Brown

doctest – the Lightest C++ Unit Testing Framewor
C++ has many unit testing frameworks. Viktor Kirilov introduces doctest. by Viktor Kirilov

Correct Integer Operations with Minimal Runtime Penalties
Results of C++ integer operations are not guaranteed to be arithmetically correct. Robert Ramey introduces a library to enforce correct behaviour. by Robert Ramey

C++ User Group Meetings in February

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group meetings in February

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. For February there are already 33 User Group meetings planned. Also in this month are emBO++ and C++ Russia!

There are 4 new C++ User Groups: Nashua, NH, Vienna (Qt), Austin (Mentoring & Study Group), Montréal.