
Tonight: Meeting C++ online event for speaking about C++

Meeting C++ online hosts an event tonight (19:00 - 23:00 CEST) which focuses on technical speaking for C++

Speaking about C++

by Jens Weller

From the event:

This event will focus on the process of creating technical talks for the C++ community. Various speakers will share their views on how to submit, prepare and give talks to the C++ community in the form of lightning talks and a panel.

Lightning Talks featuring

Tina Ulbrich
Clare Macrae
Hendrik Niemeyer
Andrei Alexandrescu
Chandler Carruth
Patricia Aas
Inbal Levi
Kate Gregory
Jens Weller

Dawn of a new C++ cycle--Jens Weller

What do you think?

Dawn of a new C++ cycle

by Jens Weller

From the article:

It was 10 years ago when one would realize that a new era for C++ was in its beginning: C++11 was a fundamental change. Many things that one wanted to have in the language or standard library suddenly became available, if one had the right compiler in the newest version. And in this time 10 years ago, the first C++now happend in Aspen, as it has again in the beginning of May...

MSVC’s STL Completes /std:c++20--Casey Carter

All the reasons to try it!

MSVC’s STL Completes /std:c++20

by Casey Carter

From the article:

We are happy to announce that the final C++20 Standard Library features are now stabilized and available in /std:c++20 mode in both Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 and Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.14. This notably includes several proposals approved as Defect Reports (DRs) by the C++ Standard Committee against the C++20 Standard Library that made extensive design changes to <format> and <ranges> as recently as October 2021. You can now use the complete list of C++20 features in production in a binary compatible way with other supported language version modes...

Call for talks for Meeting C++ 2022

The official call for talks for this years Meeting C++ conference. To promote this years call for talks, Meeting C++ online organizes an event about technical speaking for C++. On May 24th 8 great speakers will share some of the aspects on preparing and giving talks with you...

Call for talks for Meeting C++ 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In begin of April Meeting C++ 2022 was announced, and since then also the call for talks is technically running and a first set of interesting talks has been submitted.

As Meeting C++ 2022 is a hybrid conference, taking place online and in Berlin. Likely the bigger audience will be online, and speakers are expected to be ready to give their talk online. You can submit and edit your talk until June 12th.

Policy--Rainer Grimm

The series continue.


by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

Thanks to templates, there are new ways of software design. Policies and traits are two commonly used idioms in C++.

The first two keynotes for Meeting C++ 2022

Meeting C++ 2022 will be a hybrid event from Berlin in November this year. Nicolai Josuttis will give the opening keynote and the closing keynote will be by Klaus Iglberger!

Announcing the first two keynotes for Meeting C++ 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Happy to announce the opening and closing keynotes for Meeting C++ 2022!

This years Meeting C++ conference is the 10 year anniversary of Meeting C++ it self. There is of course is a long list of keynote speakers that have or might keynote Meeting C++ in the future. From that long list of possiblities I've chosen Nicolai Josuttis and Klaus Iglberger.


The new Overload is out.


In the journal:

On Becoming Unstuck
By Frances Buontempo
The horsemen of the apocalypse may be on the horizon. Frances Buontempo attempts to stop doom-scrolling and solve problems instead.

Taming Wordle with the Command Line
By James Handley
Could static analysis provide a generic way to approach Wordle? James Handley uses simple command line tools in order to (hopefully) name that Wordle in four!

C++20: A Coroutine Based Stream Parser
By Andreas Fertig
Stream parsing code can be very complicated. Andreas Fertig uses coroutines to make stream parsing code clearer.

Structured Concurrency in C++
By Lucian Radu Teodorescu
Raw threads tend to be unstructured. Lucian Radu Teodorescu applies principles from Structured Programming to concurrency.

The Vector Refactored
By Teedy Deigh
Finding the right level of abstraction can be challenging. Teedy Deigh razes the level of abstraction.

Pure Virtual C++ 2022 Schedule Available--Sy Brand

Will you attend?

Pure Virtual C++ 2022 Schedule Available

by Sy Brand

From the article:

Pure Virtual C++ 2022 is a free, one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. The schedule is now available. You can find the full set of abstracts, alongside calendar files to download on the website...

All times UTC on the 26th April.

14:04 – What’s New In C++23, Sy Brand
14:37 – Cute C++ Tricks, Part 2 of N: More code you should learn from and never write, Daisy Hollman
15:12 – Embedded development with VS and VS Code, Marc Goodner
15:47 – Everything I learned about static analysis and program safety in C++, Sunny Chatterjee
16:22 – Persistent Representation of C++ for Fun and Profit, Gabriel Dos Reis