Video & On-Demand

CppCon 2022 C++23 - What's In It For You? -- Marc Gregoire

marcgregoire-wiify.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

C++23 - What's In It For You?

by Marc Gregoire

Summary of the talk:

C++23, the next release of the C++ standard, is scheduled to be released in 2023. The update introduces new features to the core language and to the Standard Library. If you want to stay up to date with the latest features that are upcoming with this new release, then this session is for you.

The session includes core language topics such as consteval if statements, multidimensional subscript operators, decay copy, unreachable code, and more. New Standard Library features that will be shown include monadic operations for std::optional, std::flat_map, std::flat_set, a stacktrace library, changes to the ranges library, improvements to std::format, std::expected, and many more.

The session will include references to other sessions at CppCon, if applicable, for more deep-dive information on any particular topic.

CppCon 2022 The Most Important Optimizations to Apply in Your C++ Programs -- Jan Bielak

janbielak-mostimportant.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

The Most Important Optimizations to Apply in Your C++ Programs

by Jan Bielak

Summary of the talk:

Writing efficient programs is hard. This is because it requires a lot of knowledge, experience and strategic thinking. There have been many talks on optimization and often each addresses a single concept. Being able to achieve a bird’s eye view of factors affecting performance often requires many hours of researching the topic. To lessen the mental burden of optimizing programs, I have picked out the techniques, I believe are most important. During the talk, I will present them in an organized manner and provide practical examples of how they can be applied.

I will first discuss what I believe are the main goals efficient programs strive to achieve. Then, I will present the general methods of achieving those goals. Then, for the majority of the talk, we will discuss a few dozen performance opportunities. For each of them, I will explain the underlying mechanism of how the optimisation works. I will avoid bluntly giving guidelines to follow without explanation. Each of the techniques naturally comes with its costs, and those will be discussed as well.

I will additionally discuss various performance pitfalls. These are sometimes called “premature pessimisations” in contrast to the often used term of “premature optimizations”. I will show examples of optimizations which do not incur any cost on program readability or maintainability and as such should be considered performance best practices. Avoiding their use doesn’t improve code in any manner, while making it slower.

This talk is intended for a diverse audience, as after all, probably most of the C++ community is interested in performance. It is appropriate for hobbyists and professionals alike, with varying experience with the language, due to the gradual increase in difficulty of examples. It will be a time productively spent.

CppCon 2022 Modernizing SFML in Cpp -- Chris Thrasher

christhrasher-modernizingsfml.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Lightning Talk: Modernizing SFML in Cpp

by Chris Thrasher

Summary of the talk:

Modernizing SFML, a game development library, from C++03 to C++17.

CppCon 2022 C++20 - A New Way of Meta-Programming? -- Kris Jusiak

krisjusiak-newwaymetaprogram.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Lightning Talk: C++20 - A New Way of Meta-Programming?

by Kris Jusiak

Summary of the talk:

In this lightning talk we will explore a few template meta programming techniques which C++20 enables.

CppCon 2022 Const Mayhem in C++ -- Ofek Shilon

ofekshilon-constmayhem.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Lightning Talk: Const Mayhem in C++

by Ofek Shilon

Summary of the talk:

Did you know that:
(1) const methods can legally modify members?
(2) A const object cannot be default-initialized?   (this makes sense after a minute)
(2)(b) Unless... a default constructor is declared non-inline?
(3) The standard does not properly account for volatile members of const objects?
All this and (probably not much) more, at this lightning talk.

CppCon 2022 An Introduction to Multithreading in C++20 -- Anthony Williams

multithreading-williams.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

An Introduction to Multithreading in C++20

by Anthony Williams

Summary of the talk:

Where do you begin when you are writing your first multithreaded program using C++20? Whether you've got an existing single-threaded application, or you're starting from scratch, C++20 provides the basic tools to help. In this talk we'll look at the C++20 facilities you should reach for first, and how to use them safely.

CppCon 2022 C++20’s Coroutines for Beginners -- Andreas Fertig

coroutinesforbeginners-fertig.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

C++20’s Coroutines for Beginners

by Andreas Fertig

Summary of the talk:

You've heard about this new feature in C++20, coroutines, but it's the first time you have encountered this term? Then this talk is what you're looking for. We start from the beginning with just "normal" functions. Next, we introduce coroutines.

Using them, we explore the various customization points C++ offers. We look at what the new keywords co_await, co_yield, and co_return are for.

Sadly, we also have to talk about how to write a generator for a coroutine since there is no STL part for that in C++20.

Another distinction we make is between cooperative and preemptive multitasking, opening the door for another beauty of coroutines, why we don't need locks.

By the end of this talk, you've learned what coroutines are and where you can use them.

CppCon 2022 Using Modern C++ to Eliminate Virtual Functions -- Jonathan Gopel

usingmoderncppto-gopel.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Using Modern C++ to Eliminate Virtual Functions

by Jonathan Gopel

Summary of the talk:

As of C++20, there are no cases in which statically linked programs require virtual functions. This talk will explore techniques for replacing runtime polymorphism with compile-time polymorphism such that virtual functions are never necessary. This talk will also address the higher-order concern of when it might make sense to avoid virtual functions or remove them from a codebase, as that decision ultimately is a design decision that only the author of the code can make. Attendees can expect to come away with a stronger understanding of the purposes of virtual functions and the mechanisms in modern C++ that can now be used to achieve those same purposes.

CppCon 2022 Finding Whether a Number is a Power of 2 -- Ankur Satle

Finding_Whether_a_Number_is_a_Power_of_2_Ankur_Satle.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Lightning Talk: Finding Whether a Number is a Power of 2

by Ankur Satle

Summary of the talk:

I asked this question on social media and got many diverse responses. I will present the various approaches and compare them. I will finish with the options C++20 provides with the bit header.

CppCon 2022 Who is Looking for a C++ Job? -- Jens Weller

whoislookingforjob-weller.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2023!

Lightning Talk: Who is Looking for a C++ Job?

by Jens Weller

Summary of the talk:

A few insights on who has been applying for C++ jobs and visited the Meeting C++ online job fairs.