Video & On-Demand

CppCon 2023 C++ Modules: Getting Started Today -- Andreas Weis

weiscpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

C++ Modules: Getting Started Today

by Andreas Weis

Summary of the talk:

Modules have been one of the most highly anticipated features of C++20. Unfortunately, it was also the language feature that took the longest to become widely available for developers to use. This year, for the first time, we see broad support for the feature in all major compilers and mainstream build system support through CMake. The goal of this talk is to provide you with all the basic knowledge to allow you getting started with C++20 modules today.

We will take a look at how modules change the build process and why it took so long to implement them. We will take a tour of the essentials of the named modules mechanism and explore the new best practices for physical code structure in a modules-based code base, including how to set up a build with CMake. And last but not least, we will discuss different options for interacting with existing header-based code.

The talk will focus above all else on practicality: We will only be covering features that are widely available for use today with the latest compilers and build tools. We will give special attention to the areas where the design practices for modules differ from the familiar header-based approach and address common misconceptions and pitfalls that are typical among developers first encountering the feature. No prior knowledge of modules is required.

CppCon 2023 Higher-Order Template Metaprogramming with C++23 -- Ed Catmur

catmurcpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Lightning Talk: Higher-Order Template Metaprogramming with C++23

by Ed Catmur

Summary of the talk:

C++20's Concepts transformed metaprogramming, but they can still be inflexible and are not readily composable. I demonstrate a few simple yet powerful techniques to allow building concepts from type traits, type transformations and even other concepts.

CppCon 2023 File I/O for Game Developers: Past, Present, and Future with C++ -- Guy Davidson

davisoncpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

File I/O for Game Developers: Past, Present, and Future with C++

by Guy Davidson

Summary of the talk:

If you have played a game on a computer in the last few decades, you will most likely have encountered a loading screen. This is used to advertise to the player that, among other things, data is being loaded from a storage device into the game. But why does this exist, why does it take so long, and how can we improve matters for the player?

In this talk we will discover the history of games and their development environments, the relationship between address space, RAM and storage hardware, how C++ abstracts file I/O and why it might not be the best fit for game developers, how a 64-bit address space changes everything, how #embed will change everything, and how C++29 (yes, 29) may upset the applecart yet again.

Although this talk is aimed at game developers who are often Windows programmers, it is relevant to anyone who has to read large amounts of data from local storage. Expect tales of woe, discovery and jubilation as I describe every surprising little thing I've learned about file I/O over the past 40 years and how C++ is heading for a great future in games.

CppCon 2023 Back to Basics: Iterators in C++ -- Nicolai Josuttis

josuttiscpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Back to Basics: Iterators in C++

by Nicolai Josuttis

Summary of the talk:

One key success factor of C++ was the introduction of the Standard Template Library (STL) bringing together containers/ranges and algorithms using iterators as glue API to iterate over elements of collections.

This talk will present the basics of the design of iterators, the various consequences, remarkable corner cases, and what this means when using ranges and views as introduced with C++20.

CppCon 2023 Whitespace: A Humorous Short Talk -- Dan Curran

currancpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Lightning Talk: Whitespace: A Humorous Short Talk

by Dan Curran

Summary of the talk:

i want a holy war over whitespace. the most productive discussion.

CppCon 2023 C++23: An Overview of Almost All New and Updated Features -- Marc Gregoire

gregoirecpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

C++23: An Overview of Almost All New and Updated Features

by Marc Gregoire

Summary of the talk:

As I have done for previous C++ Standard versions, I will explore almost all new and updated C++ features that come with the C++23 standard. C++23 is not as big of an update as C++20 was, but it does contain numerous new and updated features to both the core language and the Standard Library. The goal of this session is not to discuss all new and changed features in detail, as that is not possible in a one-hour session. Instead, at the end of the session, you should have a high-level overview of everything that's new or changed in C++23, and it might even change how you are using existing features.

The session will touch on the following core language and Standard Library topics.

C++23 core language changes include explicit object parameters (deducing this), if consteval, multidimensional subscript operators, built-in decay copy support, ability to mark unreachable code, support for specifying platform-independent assumptions, named universal character escapes, and more.

C++23 Standard Library changes include string formatting improvements, formatting of entire ranges, standard named modules std and std.compat, new containers flat_map and flat_set, multidimensional span aka mdspan, a standard generator coroutine, monadic operations on optionals, working with stacktraces at run time, many changes to the ranges library, std::expected as an alternative to exceptions, and more.

Throughout the session, the slides will contain references to other CppCon sessions with more details on specific topics.

CppCon 2023 A Journey Into Non-Virtual Polymorphism in C++ -- Rudyard Merriam

merriamcpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

CppCon 2023 A Journey Into Non-Virtual Polymorphism in C++

by Rudyard Merriam

Summary of the talk:

Join me on an introductory journey into polymorphism that doesn't use class inheritance and virtual functions. I'll share my amazement at how polymorphism permeates C++. Then we'll visit the long-used Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) with its modernization using implicit this.

Do you like lambdas? So does the override pattern, which uses them to handle std::tuples and std::variants with std::apply and std::visit.

Want to walk through a container of disparate types invoking their functions? You'll see this and all the above in code examples galore.

Afterward, you'll be eager to learn more on your own!

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Recordings Available

The recordings for all Pure Virtual C++ 2024 sessions are now online. This includes the 5 main sessions plus over a dozen pre-conference videos.

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Recordings Available

By Sy Brand

From the article:

All recordings for our Pure Virtual C++ 2024 conference are now available. Thanks to everyone who came along and hope to see you again next year! You can find the full playlist on YouTube.

CppCon 2023 A Fast, Concurrent Data Loader for Time-Series Data -- Glenn Philen

philencpp23.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Lightning Talk: A Fast, Concurrent Data Loader for Time-Series Data

by Glenn Philen

Summary of the talk:

In this talk, I briefly share the design of a high performance data loader used to iterating over time series data stored on disk across many individual files. The data loader aggregates data streams from different sources and of different kinds of data, orders it by timestamp, and feeds it to an offline test harness concurrently and without locking.

CppCon 2023 Interfaces in C++ -- Megh Parikh

Parikh_-_CppCon_2023.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Lightning Talk: Interfaces in C++ - Megh Parikh - CppCon 2023

by Megh Parikh

Summary of the talk:

I explain some of the ways to make interfaces, both static and dynamic in this talk, and how concepts can be optionally used.