Video & On-Demand

Cppcon: Instructor Interview: Phil Nash / Accelerated Test Driven Design

Another interesting interview.

Instructor Interview: Phil Nash / Accelerated Test Driven Design

Summary of the video:

In this week’s instructor interview, Kevin Carpenter welcomes Phil Nash for a discussion of his CppCon Academy class, Accelerated TDD: For More Productive C++ . Phil shares the origin story of Catch, the popular testing framework that he authored to support better testing in C++. Kevin has taken a previous CppCon Academy class on testing with Phil. Phil explains that he focuses less on what TDD is (which can be explained in five minutes using one slide) and more on how to apply and get the benefits of TDD in real-world code bases.

Write cleaner, safer, modern C++ code with SonarQube

SonarSource will present a 30min webinar Wednesday, Sept 2 at 15:00 GMT to show how you can use SonarQube and SonarLint static analysis to write better C++. Even if you can't attend, sign up and we'll send you a link to the recording afterward.

Write cleaner, safer, modern C++ code with SonarQube

by SonarQube

From the announcement:

As a C++ Developer, you know that writing clean, secure, modern C++ code is important for you and your users. At SonarSource, we know that only developers can truly impact Code Quality and Security, so we put the power in your hands.

SonarQube makes C++ development easier with static code analysis that's powerful, fast, and accurate - right out of the box. Analysis is easy to integrate into your workflow and works with most common compilers, including many for embedded systems. Come see for yourself how you can make your C++ projects more reliable and secure.

CppCon 2019: std::midpoint? How Hard Could it Be?--Marshall Clow

This year, CppCon 2020 is going virtual. The dates are still the same – September 14-18 – and we are aiming for the CppCon live event to have pretty much everything you’re familiar with at CppCon except moved online: multiple tracks including “back to basics” and a new “embedded” track; live speaker Q&A; live talk time zones friendly to Americas and EMEA (and we’re going to try to arrange around-the-clock recorded repeats in all time zones, where speakers who are available can be available for live Q&A in their repeated talks too, and we’ll do that if it’s possible – but we’re still working on it!); virtual tables where you can interact face-to-face online with other attendees just like at the physical event; virtual exhibitor spaces where you can meet the folks on your favorite product’s teams to ask them question face-to-face; pre- and post-conference classes; and even the CppCon house band playing live before every plenary session. All talk recordings will be freely available as usual on YouTube a month or two after the event, but everything else above will be available only live during CppCon week.

To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2020 – all the spirit and flavor of CppCon, this year all virtual and online!

std::midpoint? How Hard Could it Be?

by Marshall Clow

Summary of the talk:

The standards committee adopted "P0811: Well-behaved interpolation for numbers and pointers" for C++20.
It includes a new library call `std::midpoint`.
The paper says "The simple problem of computing a value between two other values is surprisingly subtle in general."

In this talk, I will explore this simple call, provide a history of the development in libc++, and show some of the pitfalls.
Undefined behavior will rear its ugly head, along with numeric representations, and the arcane C promotion rules.

Along the way, we'll talk about testing, and why writing extensive tests helps everyone.

CppCon 2019: Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Style--Matt Godbolt

This year, CppCon 2020 is going virtual. The dates are still the same – September 14-18 – and we are aiming for the CppCon live event to have pretty much everything you’re familiar with at CppCon except moved online: multiple tracks including “back to basics” and a new “embedded” track; live speaker Q&A; live talk time zones friendly to Americas and EMEA (and we’re going to try to arrange around-the-clock recorded repeats in all time zones, where speakers who are available can be available for live Q&A in their repeated talks too, and we’ll do that if it’s possible – but we’re still working on it!); virtual tables where you can interact face-to-face online with other attendees just like at the physical event; virtual exhibitor spaces where you can meet the folks on your favorite product’s teams to ask them question face-to-face; pre- and post-conference classes; and even the CppCon house band playing live before every plenary session. All talk recordings will be freely available as usual on YouTube a month or two after the event, but everything else above will be available only live during CppCon week.

To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2020 – all the spirit and flavor of CppCon, this year all virtual and online!

Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Style

by Matt Godbolt

Summary of the talk:

C++ is a multi-paradigm language allowing us as developers to pick and choose among a variety of styles: procedural, functional, object oriented, hybrids, and more. How does the style of programming we choose affect code clarity, testability, ease of changes, compile time and run-time performance?

In this talk Matt will show a toy path tracer project (a form of ray tracer) implemented in three different styles: traditional object oriented, functional, and data-oriented design. He'll then compare and contrast his experiences developing in each case, showing how often the compiler is able to reduce each style to similar performing code. There's certain to be some surprises - and of course some Compiler Explorer usage!

CppCon 2019: Speed Is Found In The Minds of People--Andrei Alexandrescu

This year, CppCon 2020 is going virtual. The dates are still the same – September 14-18 – and we are aiming for the CppCon live event to have pretty much everything you’re familiar with at CppCon except moved online: multiple tracks including “back to basics” and a new “embedded” track; live speaker Q&A; live talk time zones friendly to Americas and EMEA (and we’re going to try to arrange around-the-clock recorded repeats in all time zones, where speakers who are available can be available for live Q&A in their repeated talks too, and we’ll do that if it’s possible – but we’re still working on it!); virtual tables where you can interact face-to-face online with other attendees just like at the physical event; virtual exhibitor spaces where you can meet the folks on your favorite product’s teams to ask them question face-to-face; pre- and post-conference classes; and even the CppCon house band playing live before every plenary session. All talk recordings will be freely available as usual on YouTube a month or two after the event, but everything else above will be available only live during CppCon week.

To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2020 – all the spirit and flavor of CppCon, this year all virtual and online!

Speed Is Found In The Minds of People

by Andrei Alexandrescu

Summary of the talk:

In all likelihood, sorting is one of the most researched classes of algorithms. It is a fundamental task in Computer Science, both on its own and as a step in other algorithms. Efficient algorithms for sorting and searching are now taught in core undergraduate classes. Are they at their best, or is there more blood to squeeze from that stone? This talk will explore a few less known – but more allegro! – variants of classic sorting algorithms. And as they say, the road matters more than the destination. Along the way, we'll encounter many wondrous surprises and we'll learn how to cope with the puzzling behavior of modern complex architectures.

Cppcon: Instructor Interview: Klaus Iglberger / Modern C++ Design Patterns

A new interesting interview.

Instructor Interview: Klaus Iglberger / Modern C++ Design Patterns

From the video:

In this week’s instructor interview, Kevin Carpenter welcomes Klaus Iglberger for a discussion of his CppCon Academy class, Modern C++ Design Patterns. Kevin took this class with Klaus last year and they discuss how Klaus has adapted it for online instruction. Klaus also outlines the additions and improvement to last year’s presentation. Kevin shares how his codebase has incorporated the Design Patterns that are covered in the class...

CppCon 2019: C++ Code Smells--Jason Turner

This year, CppCon 2020 is going virtual. The dates are still the same – September 14-18 – and we are aiming for the CppCon live event to have pretty much everything you’re familiar with at CppCon except moved online: multiple tracks including “back to basics” and a new “embedded” track; live speaker Q&A; live talk time zones friendly to Americas and EMEA (and we’re going to try to arrange around-the-clock recorded repeats in all time zones, where speakers who are available can be available for live Q&A in their repeated talks too, and we’ll do that if it’s possible – but we’re still working on it!); virtual tables where you can interact face-to-face online with other attendees just like at the physical event; virtual exhibitor spaces where you can meet the folks on your favorite product’s teams to ask them question face-to-face; pre- and post-conference classes; and even the CppCon house band playing live before every plenary session. All talk recordings will be freely available as usual on YouTube a month or two after the event, but everything else above will be available only live during CppCon week.

To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2020 – all the spirit and flavor of CppCon, this year all virtual and online!

C++ Code Smells

by Jason Turner

Summary of the talk:

There are a lot of rules to remember for writing good C++. Which features to use? Which to avoid? The C++ Core Guidelines would be over 500 pages long if you were to try to print it! What happens if we swap this around and instead of Best Practices look at Code Smells. Coding decisions that should make you think twice and reconsider what you are doing.

We will ask:

* What are the most important code smells?
* Does it simplify the way we write code?

CopperSpice: Time Complexity

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

Time Complexity

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

In this video we investigate the topic of time complexity, explain a little of the mathematical background, and show its practical applications to C++ programming. We talk about some of the common time complexity notations, and which algorithms you should choose based on their time complexity properties.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

CppCon 2019: Writing Safety Critical Automotive C++ Software for AI Hardware--Michael Wong

This year, CppCon 2020 is going virtual. The dates are still the same – September 14-18 – and we are aiming for the CppCon live event to have pretty much everything you’re familiar with at CppCon except moved online: multiple tracks including “back to basics” and a new “embedded” track; live speaker Q&A; live talk time zones friendly to Americas and EMEA (and we’re going to try to arrange around-the-clock recorded repeats in all time zones, where speakers who are available can be available for live Q&A in their repeated talks too, and we’ll do that if it’s possible – but we’re still working on it!); virtual tables where you can interact face-to-face online with other attendees just like at the physical event; virtual exhibitor spaces where you can meet the folks on your favorite product’s teams to ask them question face-to-face; pre- and post-conference classes; and even the CppCon house band playing live before every plenary session. All talk recordings will be freely available as usual on YouTube a month or two after the event, but everything else above will be available only live during CppCon week.

To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2020 – all the spirit and flavor of CppCon, this year all virtual and online!

Writing Safety Critical Automotive C++ Software for High Performance AI Hardware

by Michael Wong

Summary of the talk:

How can we make C++ in a Safe and secure way?
It is about time we talk about what it takes to create safe software, especially for automotive. This talk is about the practical engineering challenges of turning deep learning, classical machine vision and sensor fusion algorithms from research prototypes into real-world automotive-grade systems. We will summarize the many safety critical standards in general for C++ and specifically for autonomous vehicles (AV). These include the updates to MISRA, AUTOSAR, and our own SG12 which has been processing updates from WG23 for C++. We have been working hard in these standards bodies and with industrial partners to deliver automotive-grade, safe, high performance AI software development tools.
We will further review C++ Directions that supports this and reveal the road map for what is possibly the earliest Safety Critical C++ that is also capable of heterogeneous dispatch for AV.