A new look at TMP - Ivan Cukic - Meeting C++ 2018
Ivan Cukic on TMP and ...
A new look at TMP
by Ivan Cukic
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 9, 2019 04:59 AM | Tags: tmp meetingcpp intermediate experimental c++17 c++14 c++11 basics advanced
Ivan Cukic on TMP and ...
A new look at TMP
by Ivan Cukic
By philsquared | Jan 24, 2019 12:01 PM | Tags: c++17
As the title says, every attendee of C++ on Sea will get a free copy of Nico' Josuttis' eBook, "C++17 - The Complete Guide"!
Every attendee gets a free copy of "C++17 - The Complete Guide" by Nico Josuttis
by C++ on Sea
About the article:
We can now announce a special deal we've arranged with Nico which means we'll be giving every attendee of the conference a coupon code to obtain a free copy of the book in electronic form (current suggested price: 37.90 USD). You'll have immediate access, and continue to get updates as the book progresses to completion.
By Christopher Di Bella | Dec 9, 2018 10:21 AM | Tags: None
In today’s blog, we look at both the newly minted Study Group for education in the C++ Standard Committee. We also look at a small number of conference videos that I recommend teachers consider while they’re waiting for this Study Group to produce usable materials.
SG20 Education and Recommended Videos for Teaching C++
by Christopher Di Bella
From the article:
As articulated in P1231, the goal of SG20 is not to provide normative curricula for teaching C++, but rather to provide teaching and curriculum guidelines.
Below are a list of conference videos that I’ve compiled for teachers to watch (and will update if recommendations come in). There’s well over a day’s worth of videos below, but these aren’t a random assortment of my favourite conference videos. Rather, they are sessions that communicate values about:
- teaching people how to write programs using C++, or
- writing C++ programs using approaches the community agrees produce better code.
By jdgarcia | Dec 4, 2018 11:04 AM | Tags: None
This course is offered in Spanish (might be available in English on demand).
Advanced Programming in C++
by Daniel Garcia
About the course:
The course is a 3 full-days training (24 hours) covering C++11, C++14, and an introduction to C++17 at March 25th, 26th, 27th, 2019 in Madrid. It is structured in 4 modules:
- Language (Generalities and type system, Initialization, classes, global novelties, generic programming support).
- Standards library (Metaprogramming support, utilities, STL, strings).
- Concurrency (Introduction to concurrency, memory model, threads, mutual exclusion, futures and promises).
- Introduction to C++17
About the trainer:
J. Daniel Garcia is an Associate Professor in Computer Architecture at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. He has extensive experience in industrial project in domains ranging from aerospace and civil engineering to medical technology and finance.
Since 2008 he has served as a member of WG21 (C++ standards committee) as well as chair of the Spanish committee on C++. He has co-authored a number of proposals for C++, since C++11. His main efforts for C++20 are related to the introduction of contracts programming.
By Giovanni Dicanio | Oct 9, 2018 09:53 AM | Tags: None
A new course was published in the Pluralsight library:
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
by Giovanni Dicanio
From the article:
In this course, you’ll learn how to implement some fundamental data structures and algorithms in C++ from scratch, with a combination of theoretical introduction using slides, and practical C++ implementation code.
No prior data structure or algorithm theory knowledge is required. You only need a basic knowledge of C++ language features.
By Boris Schäling | Oct 3, 2018 02:54 PM | Tags: None
Boris Schäling is pleased to invite you to the 2nd Boost C++ Master class 2018 in Israel:
Boost C++ Master Class
The Boost C++ Master class strives to deepen your understanding of the Boost C++ Libraries. As of today, the Boost C++ Libraries are the most important stepping stone if you want to increase your productivity as a C++ developer and significantly improve the quality of your code. In-depth knowledge of the Boost C++ Libraries empowers you to write code that is shorter, more expressive, less error-prone, more agile, and more future-proof.
The Boost C++ Master class is an all-round training. It has no focus on a specific Boost library. The training covers a wide range of major Boost libraries. This includes general purpose libraries whose usage immediately leads to better code. And it includes concept-oriented libraries that demonstrate new approaches to organizing code and implementing features.
The Boost C++ Master class with its focus on the Boost C++ Libraries goes far beyond what is known today as modern C++. While many Boost libraries support and enable writing modern C++ code, the Boost libraries open new doors. Quite often the Boost libraries provide possibilities which catch many developers by surprise.
The Boost C++ Master class is taught by Boris Schäling who is one of the world’s leading professional Boost C++ experts and the author of the book The Boost C++ Libraries.
By xxvms | Sep 3, 2018 11:42 PM | Tags: None
Free C++ course starting 18th September 2018.
Free C++ Course
About the course:
This is free course, aimed at beginners and intermediate users. Our syllabus is based on Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, 2nd Edition.
Who can benefit from this course:
- People who have no experience with coding
- People that come from different languages such as Java, Python, C# etc
- Developers that would like to refresh their C++ knowledge
Please check our website for up to date details www.CPPLondonUni.com
London and Online
London - CodeNode 10 South Pl, London EC2M 7EB
Online - https://goo.gl/BqMCgj (Please RSVP on our host website https:://skillsmatter.com)
Every Tuesday lecture
London - from 18:15 GMT
Online - from 18:30 GMT or soon after
Every Thursday workshop
London - from 18:15 GMT
By Marco Arena | Jul 9, 2018 06:52 AM | Tags: advanced
The Standard reserves the right to change the signatures and overloads of the existing Standard Library functions in what is considered a backward compatible way:
Functions in std
by Andrzej Krzemieński
From the article:
Names of functions from the Standard Library used as pointers/references to functions can cause breakage in your code...
By Peter Gottschling | Jul 5, 2018 07:17 AM | Tags: None
Repeating the last years’ popular course, again being held in English and German:
Boost Your Productivity with Modern C++ -- Now with C++17
by Peter Gottschling
About the training:
The course is designed for software developers who aim for excellent software characterized by intuitive interfaces and maximal performance. Our goal for this 4-day course is that you can afterwards program perceivably more productively. That your programs are usable more flexibly and nonetheless explore the hardware as efficiently as possible. That your software becomes clearer and simpler and thus more readable and more maintainable. For this purpose, we intensively use features of C++11, C++14, and recently C++17.
The trainer Peter Gottschling is the author of the advanced C++14 book ”Discovering Modern C++”,the Matrix Template Library 4, co-author of the Boost Graph Library and other scientific libraries. He is vice-chair of DIN’s programming language group and was (the last) head of the German delegation in the ISO committee for C++ standardization.
The complete course description including the list of topics is available here. Next trainings: 9/17-20/2018 in English and 12/3-7/2018 in German.
By Meeting C++ | May 2, 2018 02:19 AM | Tags: workshop training templates meetingcpp intermediate c++17 c++14 c++11 advanced
Meeting C++ 2018 offers also a workshop with Nicolai Josuttis:
Modern C++ Template Programming
by Jens Weller
From the article:
Each and every C++ programmer uses templates. Containers such as vector<> or array<>, strings, algorithms such as sort(), iterators, and I/O streams are all implemented as generic code. Modern C++ adds type traits, smart pointers, and template member functions such as emplace(), and generic lambdas as a tricky form of generic code.
Nevertheless the knowledge and understanding of how to implement and use templates is very limited and each and every programmer is sooner or later getting uncertain.
This workshop therefore discusses templates for a whole day to make clear what it means to use templates and how to use them in practice. As a result the general understanding of templates will be improved and generic code might become more helpful and less surprising.