Product News

span lite: single-file header-only version of a C++20-like span for C++98, C++11...--Martin Moene

The view for any range.

span lite: single-file header-only version of a C++20-like span for C++98, C++11 and later

by Martin Moene

From the article:

span lite is a single-file header-only library to provide a bounds-safe view for sequences of objects. The library provides a C++20-like span for use with C++98 and later. If available, std::span is used, unless configured otherwise...

Announcing a single C++ library manager for Linux, macOS and Windows: Vcpkg--Eric Mittelette

Are you interested?

Announcing a single C++ library manager for Linux, macOS and Windows: Vcpkg

by Eric Mittelette

From the article:

At Microsoft, the core of our vision is “Any Developer, Any App, Any Platform” and we are committed to bringing you the most productive development tools and services to build your apps across all platforms. With this in mind, we are thrilled to announce today the availability of vcpkg on Linux and MacOS. This gives you immediate access to the vcpkg catalog of C++ libraries on two new platforms, with the same simple steps you are familiar with on Windows and UWP today...

Boost 1.67 released

Boost 1.67 is now available:

Boost Version 1.67.0

There are two new libraries:

  • Contract: Contract programming for C++. All contract programming features are supported: Subcontracting, class invariants, postconditions (with old and return values), preconditions, customizable actions on assertion failure (e.g., terminate or throw), optional compilation and checking of assertions, etc, from Lorenzo Caminiti.
  • HOF: Higher-order functions for C++, from Paul Fultz II.

Also, many updated libraries have been updated. See the announcement for details.


C++ Modernization Brochure--Don Tait


C++ Modernization Brochure

by Don Tait

From the article:

New releases of the C++ language maintain incredibly strong backwards compatibility, making it easy to keep older C++ code working properly as standards march forward. C++11, C++14, and C++17 have transformed the C++ language in ways that make it as programmer-friendly as more recent languages but with many essential benefits that continue to make it the best choice for the most demanding software-engineering projects.

Modernizing your C++ may be the best way to both improve your team’s efficiency as well as future-proof your software investment. KDAB has broad, deep experience delivering cost-effective, long-term, pragmatic solutions that modernize existing C++ codebases without losing functionality during the process.

Download our brochure to find out more...

Meeting C++ is on Patreon

Meeting C++ launched a new community on Patreon:

Starting a new Community at Patreon

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Something new: you can now support Meeting C++ through Patreon!

This will go mostly into videos & video interviews and the Meeting C++ blog. I started doing my own videos and video interviews on YouTube last year, and to compliment that, I decided to also start a community of supporters on patreon. You'll be able to know guests of Meeting C++ & friends ahead of time and be able to suggest potential questions to ask...

CLion 2018.1 is released: more C++17, WSL, CMake Install, Fortran and Rust plugins -- JetBrains

A new release is here!

CLion 2018.1 is released: more C++17, WSL, CMake Install, Fortran and Rust plugins

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

With this year’s first update, CLion 2018.1, you get enhanced C++17 support (including structured bindings and if/switch with initializers), new CMake actions (like CMake Install), various editor improvements (breadcrumbs and more), and a more responsive editor.

Windows users can benefit from support for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which makes it possible to compile, run, and debug Linux-compatible binaries while working on Windows, and even run them with Valgrind Memcheck.

2018.1 version also comes with the bundled support for Objective-C and Objective-C++, Fortran and Rust plugins. Rust comes with Cargo build system and the debugger.


PVS-Studio is now available on macOS: 64 weaknesses in the Apple's XNU Kernel

A new version of the PVS-Studio analyzer 6.23 is working under macOS, which allows you to check the projects written in C and C++. Our team decided to perform a XNU Kernel check to coincide it with this event.

PVS-Studio is now available on macOS: 64 weaknesses in the Apple's XNU Kernel

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Although the XNU Kernel is relatively small, it's a challenge to study the analyzer warnings alone, which takes much time. False positives make the check more complicated, since I haven't performed the preliminary analyzer configuration. I just quickly looked through the warnings, writing out code fragments that, in my opinion, represent interest. This is more than enough for writing a quite large article. PVS-Studio analyzer easily finds a large number of interesting bugs.