Articles & Books

A Slice of Python in C++ -- Eric Niebler

eric-niebler-toronto.PNGSpeaking of Python-C++ convergence:

A Slice of Python in C++

by Eric Niebler

From the article:

This post describes a fun piece of hackery that went into my Range-v3 library recently: a Python-like range slicing facility with cute, short syntax. It’s nothing earth-shattering from a functionality point of view, but it’s a fun little case study in library design, and it nicely illustrates my philosophy of library design...

Quick Q: Is constexpr more constant than const? -- StackOverflow

This week on SO:

Is a constexpr more “constant” than const?

The C++ Programming Language Fourth Edition - Bjarne Stroustrup: (emphasis mine)

2.2.3. Constants

In a few places, constant expressions are required by language rules (e.g., array bounds (§2.2.5, §7.3), case labels (§2.2.4, §9.4.2), some template arguments (§25.2), and constants declared using constexpr). In other cases, compile-time evaluation is important for performance. Independently of performance issues, the notion of immutability (of an object with an unchangeable state) is an important design concern (§10.4).

It seems that Stroustrup is suggesting here that constexpr ensures immutability of an object better than a traditional const declaration. Is this correct? Are there ways in which constexpr can be more secure/less volatile than const, or does Stroustrup simply mean that since there are ways to use constexpr that are not supported with const (see Is constexpr really needed?), in those cases immutability can be ensured using constexpr?


Memory management of C libraries in C++ -- Kevin Dungs

In the "better C than C" department:

Memory management of C libraries in C++

by Kevin Dungs

From the article:

Today I had some time to play around with libgit2, an excellent C-library for Git. But since I was thinking about using it together with the freshly released Proxygen, the fast HTTP-framework from Facebook, I wanted to use the library functions from C++ from the start.

This was a perfect opportunity to play around with C++ memory management objects in the context of a C-library...

Overload 124 is now available

overload-124.PNGOverload 124 is now available. It contains the following C++-related articles, and more:


Overload 124

Designing Observers in C++11

The observer pattern is over two decades old. Alan Griffiths fits a venerable design pattern into a contemporary context.

Order Notation in Practice

What does complexity measurement mean? Roger Orr reminds us of the academic definition and looks at some real life situations... std::sort is faster than qsort which can come as a surprise to those who assume C is always faster than C++.

Common reasons of using namespaces in C++ projects -- CoderGears Team

CoderGears team draws some conclusions on how namespaces are used in C++ projects:

Common reasons of using namespaces in C++ projects

by CodeGears Team

From the article:

Namespaces in C++ are most often used to avoid naming collisions. Although namespaces are used extensively in recent C++ code, most older code does not use this facility. After exploring the source code of many C++ projects, here are some common reasons of using the namespaces in these projects...

Quick Q: Are std::threads run in the order they're created?--StackOverflow

Quick A: There is no guarantee that threads will run in a given order.

Recently on SO:

Why don't these threads run in order?

When I run this code:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

std::mutex m;

int main()
    std::vector<std::thread> workers;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
            std::cout << "Hi from thread " << i << std::endl;

    std::for_each(workers.begin(), workers.end(), [] (std::thread& t)
    { t.join(); });

I get the output:

Hi from thread 7
Hi from thread 1
Hi from thread 4
Hi from thread 6
Hi from thread 0
Hi from thread 5
Hi from thread 2
Hi from thread 3
Hi from thread 9
Hi from thread 8

Even though I used a mutex to keep only one thread access at a time. Why isn't the output in order?

C++ STL for Embedded Developers--John Hinke

E.S.R. Labs presents its STL library adapted to embedded environments and discusses some of the choices they made for it:

C++ STL for Embedded Developers

by John Hinke

From the article:

C++ embedded programming is very difficult. There are some limitations that are not always present in traditional programming environments such as limited memory, slower processors, and older C++ compilers.

We have developed a set of best-practice processes and frameworks to support writing high-quality embedded applications...

A gotcha with Boost.Optional --Andrzej Krzemieński

Have you used the Boost.Optional library? There is one thing you might need to keep an eye on as explained by Andrzej.

  A gotcha with Optional

  by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

This post is about one gotcha in Boost.Optional library. When starting to use it, you might get the impression that when you try to put optional<T> where T is expected, you will get a compile-time error. In most of the cases it is exactly so, but sometimes you may get really surprised...

Quick Q: Is an acquire_release fence enough for Dekker synchronization?--StackOverflow

Quick A: No, because acq_rel doesn't prevent reordering a store to x followed by a load from y... seq_cst does.

Recently on SO:

Why isn't a C++11 acquire_release fence enough for Dekker synchronization?

The failure of Dekker-style synchronization is typically explained with reordering of instructions. I.e., if we write

atomic_int X;
atomic_int Y;
int r1, r2;
static void t1() {, std::memory_order_relaxed)
    r1 = Y.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
static void t2() {, std::memory_order_relaxed)
    r2 = X.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

Then the loads can be reordered with the stores, leading to r1==r2==0.

I was expecting an acquire_release fence to prevent this kind of reordering:

static void t1() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    r1 = Y.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
static void t2() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    r2 = X.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

The load cannot be moved above the fence and the store cannot be moved below the fence, and so the bad result should be prevented.

However, experiments show r1==r2==0 can still occur. Is there a reordering-based explanation for this? Where's the flaw in my reasoning?

C++ Has Become More Pythonic -- Jeff Preshing

A nice article pointing out similarities between modern C++ and Python:

C++ Has Become More Pythonic

by Jeff Preshing

From the article:

C++ has changed a lot in recent years. The last two revisions, C++11 and C++14, introduce so many new features that, in the words of Bjarne Stroustrup, “It feels like a new language.”

It’s true. Modern C++ lends itself to a whole new style of programming – and you can’t help but feel Python’s influence on this new style. Ranged-based for loops, type deduction, vector and map initializers, lambda expressions. The more you explore modern C++, the more you find Python’s fingerprints all over it.

Was Python a direct influence on modern C++? Or did Python simply adopt a few common idioms before C++ got around to it? You be the judge...