Announcing the Meeting C++ Recruiting Service!

News from Meeting C++! Today a new service for job seekers and employers has launched:

Announcing the Meeting C++ Recruiting Service

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A long time in the making, a lot of thinking about what is the correct format to do, and now finally having setup all things, I can announce the start of the Meeting C++ Recruiting Service!

Meeting C++ Recruiting is a service that aims at better connecting the C++ programmers, who are looking for a job, with those companies who are actively looking for talented C++ Programmers.

Interactive Metaprogramming Shell based on Clang

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014:

Interactive Metaprogramming Shell based on Clang

by Ábel Sinkovics

From the talk description:

Developing metaprograms is hard and painful. Templight ( supports the development and debugging of template metaprograms, but the code has to be recompiled after every minor change and tricks are needed to retrieve useful information about the result...

To Be or Not to Be (an Iterator) -- Eric Niebler

Eric Niebler gives in his recent blog post insights about iterators

To Be or Not To Be (an Iterator)

by Eric Niebler

From the article:

Way back in 1999, when the ink on the first C++ standard was still damp, Herb Sutter posed a GoTW puzzler in the still extant C++ Report (RIP): When Is a Container Not a Container? In that article, Herb described the problems of the now-infamous vector<bool>. According to the standard’s own container requirements, vector<bool> is not a container.

In a nutshell, it’s because vector<bool>‘s iterators claim to be random-access, but they’re not. Random-access iterators, when you dereference them, must return a real reference. They can only do that if the thing they point to really exists somewhere. But the bool that a vector<bool>::iterator points to does not exist anywhere. It’s actually a bit in a packed integer, and dereferencing a vector<bool>‘s iterator returns an object of some type that merely acts like a bool& without actually being a bool&.

Experimenting with a Proposed Standard Drawing Library for the C++ language -- Eric Mittelette

Today on MSOT:

Experimenting with a Proposed Standard Drawing Library for the C++ language

by Eric Mittelette

From the article:

Back in July, Michael McLaughlin, Herb Sutter, and Jason Zink submitted to the ISO an updated proposal to standardize a 2D Graphics API for the C++ programming language. The ISO C++ Committee will evaluate the proposal for the possible inclusion of these new features in the next versions of the specification.

Given MS Open Tech’s historical interest in cross-platform graphics development, we took a closer look. In an attempt to familiarize with the API from the perspective of a C++ developer, we developed a sample app that we just contributed to Michael’s github repository. In the sections below, we share some salient aspects of how this new crop of Graphics experiences built with “straight” C++ could be written, only a few years from now!


The compiler can make up its own calling conventions, within limits--Raymond Chen

A new article from the Old New Thing:

The compiler can make up its own calling conventions, within limits

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

There are three parties to a calling convention. The function doing the calling. The function being called. The operating system. The operating system needs to get involved if something unusual occurs, like an exception, and it needs to go walking up the stack looking for a handler...

The lvalue/rvalue metaphor--Joseph Mansfield

Joseph Mansfield discusses about an important topic in C++:

The lvalue/rvalue metaphor

by Joseph Mansfield

From the article:

Every expression in C++ is either an lvalue or an rvalue. This distinction is what makes something like 5 = x; invalid, as the expression 5 is an rvalue expression and so cannot appear on the left of an assignment...

January 2015 C++ Compilers Status--Christophe Riccio

Christophe Riccio gives us an interesting point of view for a library author and shares the latest status of some compilers:

January 2015 C++ Compilers Status

by Christophe Riccio

From the article:

...Finally, a last issue for adopting new C++11 features is simply our own ignorance of which feature is available on all the compilers we support. To resolve that problem, I made the followiong table listing all the C++ features and their support on Clang, GCC, ICC and Visual C++...

N4283: Atomic View, revision 2 -- Carter Edwards and Hans Boehm

New WG21 papers are available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4283

Date: 2015-01-26

Atomic View, revision 2

by Carter Edwards and Hans Boehm


This paper proposes an extension to the atomic operations library [atomics] for atomic operations applied to non-atomic objects. The proposal is in three parts: (1) the concept of an atomic view, (2) application of this concept for atomic operations applied to members of a very large array in a high performance computing (HPC) code, and (3) application of this concept for atomic operations applied to an object in a large legacy code which cannot replace this object with a corresponding atomic<T> object.

CppCon 2014 Data-Oriented Design and C++--Mike Acton

While we wait for CppCon 2015 in September, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014. Here is today’s feature:

Data-Oriented Design and C++

by Mike Acton

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

The transformation of data is the only purpose of any program. Common approaches in C++ which are antithetical to this goal will be presented in the context of a performance-critical domain (console game development). Additionally, limitations inherent in any C++ compiler and how that affects the practical use of the language when transforming that data will be demonstrated.

Expression Templates Revisited

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014!

Expression Templates Revisited

by Klaus Iglberger

From the talk description:

Since their invention in 1995, Expression Templates (ETs) have proven to be a valuable tool for many C++ template libraries. Especially numerics libraries quickly embraced them as salvation for the performance deficiencies of standard C++. This reputation as performance optimization...