CppCon 2015 Executors for C++ - A Long Story ...--Detlef Vollmann

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Executors for C++ - A Long Story ...

by Detlef Vollmann

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Executors will be a base building block in C++ for asynchronous, concurrent and parallel work. The job of an executor is simple: run the tasks that are posted. So the first proposals for executors in C++ had a very simple interface. However, being a building block, the executor should provide an interface that's useful for all kind of higher level abstractions and needs to work together with different types of concurrency, like co-operative multi-tasking or GPU like hardware. This presentation will look at the evolution of the executor proposals for C++ and what they'll provide for normal application programmers.

NDC Oslo 2016 Videos are online

The recordings from the this years NDC Oslo are online.

NDC 2016 Oslo

These are the videos with C++ content:

Andrei Alexandrescu: Fastware

Andrei Alexandrescu: Generic Locking in C++

Anthony Williams: The Continuing Future of the C++ Concurrency

Anthony Williams: Safety: off - How not to shoot yourself into the foot with C++ atomics

Dan Saks: Measuring Instead of Speculating in C and C++

Dan Saks: Using the C++ STL Without Dynamic Memory

Detlef Vollmann: New Executors for C++

Detlef Vollmann: Parallelism vs. Concurrency in C++

Hubert Matthews: The C++ Type System is your Friend

Mark Isaacson: Developing Correct C++ @ Scale

Mark Isaacson: Exploring C++17 and beyond

Sasha Goldshtein: Introduction to C++ Template Metaprogramming

Sasha Goldshtein: The C++ and CLR Memory Models



CppCon 2015 Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11--Barbara Geller & Ansel Sermersheim

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11

by Barbara Geller & Ansel Sermersheim

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

This presentation will discuss the benefits of using a documentation generator for creating internal code documentation or end user documentation. DoxyPress can be used to document your source code, generate API documentation, show class hierarchies, collaboration diagrams, and much more. DoxyPress supports several output formats including html, chm, latex, and man pages.

As part of our talk we will cover the process of redesigning source code originally designed for C++98 and how to migrate it to C++11. We will talk about the advantages and drawbacks of moving to C++11 and show how the code changed in DoxyPress.

We will show a small demonstration of DoxyPressApp, which is a a GUI program used to set up your project file which is then used by DoxyPress to generate documentation.

DoxyPress is a fork of the Doxygen documentation tool. A very basic understanding of C++ will be helpful. No prior knowledge of DoxyPress or Doxygen is required.

Talks at Meeting C++ 2016

Most talks of this years Meeting C++ conference are now online:

Talks at Meeting C++ 2016

by Jens Weller

The top 7 Talks chosen by the voting:

Exploring C++17 and beyond
C++ Static Analysis
Functional reactive programming in C++
C++ Core Guidelines: Migrating your Code Base
Want fast C++? Know your hardware!
The memory model in C++
Implementing `static` control flow in C++14

CppCon 2015 C++ for cross-platform VR--Nicolas Lazareff

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

C++ for cross-platform VR

by Nicolas Lazareff

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

This talk is an overview of how C++ can be used to quickly create cross-platform virtual reality experiences while sharing one codebase.

To support all major vendors, a VR experience has to span not only across operating systems, but also device types, hardware specs, manufacturers, and SDKs -- and so pitfalls and learnings from shipping on Oculus mobile and desktop, Google Cardboard, and soon Sony's Morpheus will be discussed.

We'll cover networking, graphics, SDK wrappers, and even abstracting language oddities (Android's Java layer for Oculus mobile).

CppCast Episode 60: Visual C++ Conformance with Andrew Pardoe

Episode 60 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Andrew Pardoe to discuss Visual C++ conformance progress as well as experimental features like Modules.

CppCast Episode 60: Visual C++ Conformance with Andrew Pardoe

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Andrew started working at Microsoft in 2002. He worked for the C++ team for exactly five years, first on testing the Itanium optimizer and then on the Phoenix compiler platform. He left in 2007 to become a PM on the CLR team (the C# runtime). Andrew left that job about two years ago and through the magic of corporate reorgs ended up as the C++ compiler PM.

In his role at Microsoft Andrew pays attention to pretty much everything without a GUI: the compiler front end/parser, code analysis, and a little bit to the optimizer. He also owns the tools acquisition story—such as the VC++ Build Tools SKU and updating to latest daily drops through NuGet—and Clang/C2. The Clang/C2 work is what ties Andrew into the Islandwood team, and the code analysis work focuses mostly on the C++ Core Guidelines checkers.

CppCon Early Bird Registration: Two weeks left

cppcon-093.PNG Have you registered yet for CppCon 2016? With 93 days to go before the event, we have more attendees already registered than ever before at this point before the conference. They got the Early Bird discount, and so can you for another two weeks.

In addition to 5 great keynote and plenary talks, you'll enjoy 100+ of the top C++ sessions in the world -- the program committee has been sorting through some 200 session submissions and will soon announce their selection of this year's "100+ best of 2016" that will be accepted for the event. CppCon also offers two-day pre-conference classes, panels, poster sessions, lightning talks, and much more. New this year: an exhibitors' area where you can see and try the latest C++ tools and libraries. And of course, as always, a huge part of the event is the week-long interaction with fellow attendees, making CppCon the best learning and networking opportunity for C++ developers across all industries and disciplines in a relaxed and inviting festival atmosphere.

To see what others have had to say about CppCon, check out the attendee video, featuring a soundtrack of original music written and performed by the CppCon house band. And check out the video archive of 2014 and 2015 talks on YouTube and on Channel 9.

CppCon is "the" C++ event of the year. Early Bird registration closes on July 1. If you haven't registered yet, register today!