Boost 1.64.0 is released

The new boost is out!

Boost 1.64.0 is released

From the article:

New Libraries

Process library by Klemens D. Morgenstern, that provides cross platorm ways to allows you to:

  • create child processes
  • setup streams for child processes
  • communicate with child processes through streams (synchronously or asynchronously)
  • wait for processes to exit (synchronously or asynchronously)
  • terminate processes

Broken feature:

GitHub #67: "group.wait() does not return".

Updated Libraries


  • Suppressed false warnings about returning reference to temporary
  • boost::addressof is now used instead of directly taking the address #12615
  • Headers are not included using double quotes any more #12053
  • CI tests now run with address, leak, and undefined sanitizers
  • Added more test


  • Fixed possible incorrect code generation in 64-bit atomic operations on 32-bit x86 with gcc versions older than 4.7 and compatible compilers.


  • Added BOOST_NO_CXX11_SFINAE_EXPR defect detection.


Overload 138 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of April 2017 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 138 is now available

From the journal:

Breadth First, Depth First, Test First
You can approach a problem top-down or bottom-up. Frances Buontempo wonders if algorithms can help us choose the most appropriate direction. by Frances Buontempo

Space invaders in Elm
Elm is a functional language which compiles to JavaScript. Ossi Hanhinen provides an overview. by Ossi Hanhinen

Single Module Builds – The Fastest Heresy in Town
Unity builds can be controversial. Andy Thomason shows how much difference they can make to build times. by Andy Thomason

An Interview: Emyr Williams
CVu has been running a series of interviews. Frances Buontempo interviews the interviewer, Emyr Williams. by Frances Buontempo

(Not Really So) New Niche for C++: Browser!?
How do you run C++ in a browser? Sergey Ignatchenko demonstrates how to use Emscripten. by Sergey Ignatchenko

Contractual Loopholes
Compilers can optimise away functions you may want to time. Deák Ferenc explores ways to stop this happening. by Deák Ferenc

All About the Base
Representing numbers presents many choices. Teedy Deigh counts the ways. by Teedy Deigh

C++ Jobs and Predictions -- Bartlomiej Filipek

Is C++ job market falling or growing? Since billions of lines of code are already written it's not possible to disappear in a second. So what's the current state and the future?

C++ Jobs and Predictions

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

... if you like this area you'll be able to find a C++ job anyway. I hope C++20 will add another good reason to stick with C++ and even move from other languages... but we need to wait a few years to see it happening.

Understand ranges better with the new Cartesian Product adaptor--Jonathan Boccara

The future explained:

Understand ranges better with the new Cartesian Product adaptor

by Jonathan Boccara

From the article:

A couple of days ago, the range-v3 library got a new component: the view::cartesian_product adaptor.

Understanding what this component does, and the thought process that went through its creation is easy and will let you have a better grasp of the range library. (Note that you could just as well understand all the following by looking at the zip adaptor. But cartesian_product is brand new, so let’s discover this one, in order to hit two birds with one stone)...

An Introduction to Reflection in C++--Jackie Kay

What's the status of reflection in C++?

An Introduction to Reflection in C++

by Jackie Kay

From the article:

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. You are working on a messaging middleware, a game engine, a UI library, or any other large software project that has to deal with an ever-growing, ever-changing number of objects. These objects have many different qualities but can be grouped by their functionality: they can be sent across the network or collided with or rendered.

Because you are a good programmer who believes in the DRY principle, you want to write the “action” code that does the stuff on these objects without repetition, and plug in specific Message types or Renderable types into your generic pipeline at the appropriate places. It would be really nice to compose objects hierarchally: for example, if I had a widget class composed of several different renderable Rectangles, I want to be able to automatically generate the rendering code for my widget based on the existing rendering logic for its constituent shapes...

Final Classes--Arne Mertz

Some thoughts about final classes.

Final Classes

by Arne Mertz

From the article:

A few days ago, a colleague asked me if it was wise to make every class a final class. Here is a more sophisticated answer than I could give at that time...

Slides of the 11th of April 2017 BeCPP Meeting -- Marc Gregoire

BeCPP_Logo_282x64.pngOn 11th of April 2017, the Belgian C++ Users Group had their next event sponsored by SoftKinetic.

Slides of the 11th of April 2017 BeCPP Meeting

The presentations:

  • "Challenges in Modern Embedded Development Using C++" (Glyn Matthews)
  • "SFINAE and type traits: In the Mix" (Lieven de Cock)

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them from the BeCPP website.

CppCast Episode 97: Vcsn with Akim Demaille

Episode 97 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Akim Demaille to discuss VCSN, a platform for automata and rational expressions, and some of the interesting problems he faced while working on the library.

CppCast Episode 97: Vcsn with Akim Demaille

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Akim has been participating in free software for about 20 years, starting with a2ps, an anything to PostScript tool written in C. In order to ensure its portability, he became a major contributor to GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake and GNU Bison.

Akim has been teaching and researching at EPITA, a French CS Graduate School, for eighteen years. He has taught formal languages, logics, OO design, C++ and compiler constructions, which includes the Tiger compiler, an educational project where students implement a compiler in C++. This project, whose assignment is regularly updated, keeps track of the C++ eveolutions, and this year's version uses C++17 features.

Akim's recent research interests are focused on the Vcsn platform, dedicated to automata and rational expressions.

He's recently been recruited by former students of his to be part of the Infinit team at Docker.