PVS-Studio in the Clouds - Running the Analysis on Travis CI

At the moment, cloud CI systems are a highly-demanded service. In this article, we'll tell you how to integrate analysis of source code into a CI cloud platform with the tools that are already available in PVS-Studio. As an example we'll use the Travis CI service.

PVS-Studio in the Clouds - Running the Analysis on Travis CI

by Oleg Andreev

From the article:

Travis CI is a service for building and testing software that uses GitHub as a storage. Travis CI doesn't require changing of programming code for using the service. All settings are made in the file .travis.yml located in the root of the repository. We'll take LXC (Linux Containers) as a test project for PVS-Studio. It is a virtualization system at the operation system level for launching several instances of the Linux OS at one node. The project is small, but more than enough for demonstration.

CppCast Episode 204: Functional Programming in C++ with Ivan Čukić

Episode 204 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Ivan Čukić to discuss his book on Functional Programming with C++.

CppCast Episode 204: Functional Programming in C++ with Ivan Čukić

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Ivan Čukić is the author of "Functional Programming in C++" published by Manning.

He is one of the core developers of KDE, the largest free/libre open source C++ project.

He is also teaching modern C++ techniques and functional programming at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade and has been using C++ for more than 20 years. He has been researching functional programming in C++ before and during his PhD studies, and uses the techniques in real-world projects.

The Power of Hidden Friends in C++--Anthony Williams

Did you know about them?

The Power of Hidden Friends in C++

by Anthony Williams

From the article:

"Friendship" in C++ is commonly thought of as a means of allowing non-member functions and other classes to access the private data of a class. This might be done to allow symmetric conversions on non-member comparison operators, or allow a factory class exclusive access to the constructor of a class, or any number of things.

However, this is not the only use of friendship in C++, as there is an additional property to declaring a function or function template a friend: the friend function is now available to be found via Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL). This is what makes operator overloading work with classes in different namespaces...

Space Game: A std::variant-Based State Machine by Example--Nikolai Wuttke

Did you think to use it like that?

Space Game: A std::variant-Based State Machine by Example

by Nikolai Wuttke

From the article:

One of a powerful uses of std::variant is to implement State Machines. Some time ago I showed a simple example, but today we have something bigger. In today’s article by Nikolai Wuttke you’ll see how to leverage std::variant and build a space game!