November 2020

Under the Covers of C++ Lambdas: Captures, Captures, Captures--Andreas Fertig


Under the Covers of C++ Lambdas: Captures, Captures, Captures

by Andreas Fertig

From the article:

Lambda Capturing syntax allows us to quickly “wrap” a variable from the outside scope and then use it in the lambda body. We also know that under the hood the compiler translates lambda into a closure type… but what happens to those captured variables? Are they translated to public data members or private? See the newest guest post from Andreas to understand this tricky problem...

Capture *this in lambda expression: Timeline of change -- Hitesh Kumar

The current object (*this) capture in a lambda expression has gone through some changes since C++11.

Capture *this in lambda expression: Timeline of change

by Hitesh Kumar

From the article:

A lambda defined inside a non-static member function can directly access the members of the current object (or its copy) via an appropriate capture clause. But how the current object can be captured has gone through some changes since C++11.

I/O Prioritization in Windows OS -- Milad Kahsari Alhadi

In this paper, I am going to discuss how can we as the application or device driver developers take advantage of I/O prioritization in the Windows OS.

I/O Prioritization in Windows OS

by Milad Kahsari Alhadi

From the article:

I/O prioritization improves the responsiveness of the system without significantly decreasing the throughput of the system. Typically, any topic related to I/O and threads requires a good understanding of Windows synchronization because of that, I will try to discuss everything from the ground up.

In this paper, I am going to discuss how can we as the application or device driver developers take advantage of I/O prioritization in the Windows OS. Finally (in the next paper, I will discuss the I/O completion mechanism of Windows) which is a magical feature.

Concepts in C++20 -- Richard Thomson

Richard Thomson gives an informal overview of Concepts in C++20 at the July, 2020 meeting of Utah C++ Programmers.

Concepts in C++20

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

In this talk, Richard Thomson will give us an informal overview of Concepts in C++20. We'll take a look at the following details:

  • Concept syntax
  • Concepts in the standard library
  • Concepts relating to ranges
  • Improved error diagnostics (using compiler explorer)


Illuminating Lambda Expressions in C++ -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a video on lambda expresssions in C++.

Illuminating Lambda Expressions in C++

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

Richard Thomson gives us an insight into lambda expressions in C++ by showing the equivalent manually written function objects.  The presentation proceeds from lambda expressions as originally defined in C++11 and then proceeds through enhancements from C++14, C++17 and finally C++20.


The Royal Game -- Philipp Lenk

This time around, I shall tell you about the royal game, i.e. chess, or rather of my humble attempts at contributing to its rich ecosystem of non-human players.

The Royal Game

by Philipp Lenk

From the article

I will begin by explaining what I am talking about, briefly recap the fascinating history of computer chess and in the course of that highlight the importance of game playing for showcasing, popularizing and driving machine intelligence research as well as its public perception. I shall further elaborate on my personal connection and love for the game and detail why - even in the face of a recent uptake of machine learning based techniques far more successful than my puny attempts could ever hope to be - an old-school, classical approach can still be a valuable investment of time and energy.
Afterwards [...] I will get just a little more technical and provide a high level explanation of the general structure underlying many chess playing programs, culminating in a walkthrough of code implementing the UCI protocol used to communicate with GUIs and other programs pitting different human and non-human connoisseurs of the game against one another.