Getting You There - Your C++ Standardization Efforts in 2019--JeanHeyd Meneide

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Getting You There - Your C++ Standardization Efforts in 2019

by JeanHeyd Meneide

From the article:

If you’re facing Financial Hardship, are a student, are self-employed, and have written a proposal that the chairs of the C++ Standardization Groups (Library Evolution, Evolution, Core, Library, Parallelism/Concurrency, and similar study groups) deem necessary to help move the language forward (in large or small ways), you can apply for Grant Assistance from the C++ Standards Foundation. If you have an employer but that employer will not cover the full cost, you have papers to present (yours or on behalf of others) and similar, you can apply for Travel Assistance.

I will talk about Travel Assistance, because that is what I have applied for and successfully received. A huge thanks to the Standard C++ Foundation for making something like this available! I can only hope that my work will continue to be things that they need, and that I can continue to write papers and do work on behalf of the C++ Community to move our various industries forward...

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