Regular expression in c++11/14 -- GuoJiufu

Overview on Regular Expression Support in Modern C++.

   Regular expression in c++11/14

   by GuoJiufu

From the article:

Regular expression is a useful string process utility for handling both pure text and markup language text like html. There are a few useful tools that are designed to use regular expression, such as  grep and sed. In development language, most script languages, for example, javascript or perl, support regular expression. Regular expression has also been introduced into java as module for a long time. In C, the most famous regular expression library among many of those libraries developed would be POSIX regular expression API. As for C++, boost regular expression library was developed a few years ago. Then in C++11, regular expression was introduced into the standard library as <regex>.  This blog is going to explain what is regular expression and how it is supported in c++11/14.

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