October 2014

18 C++ User Group Meetings in October

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in October

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on the meetings of C++ User Groups world wide:

1.10 C++ UG Austin - Understanding and Using Generic Libraries in C++
2.10 C++ UG Paris - C++ FRUG #4 - C++ & Python
2.10 C++ UG New York - An Evening with Bjarne Stroustrup
2.10 C++ UG Madrid - De 0 a 100 (Taller)
2.10 C++ UG Istanbul - R-value references and Move Semantics
8.10 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Presentation and Q&A
9.10 C++ UG Dresden - Build Systems
11.10 C++ UG Pune, India - A hands-on introduction to the Boost Libraries
15.10 C++ UG Montpellier - Rencontre C++
15.10 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Coding Dojo
15.10 C++ UG Santa Barbara - Kickoff meeting
16.10 C++ UG Seattle/North West - Compiler Technologies
20.10 C++ UG Denver - Coding Dojo
21.10 C++ UG Berlin - No topic yet.
22.10 C++ UG Hamburg - Einführung in MPI
22.10 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
23.10 C++ UG Bristol - "Lessons From Test Code" with Jon Jagger
25.10 C++ UG Saratov, Russia
29.10 C++ UG London - No topic yet.

And In the Beginning... -- Tony DaSilva

We don't normally link to pleas to spam mass-email anyone, never mind Bjarne Stroustrup, but we just had to share this heartfelt plea because it would be Good for the World. (Sorry, Dr. Stroustrup!)

But even if you don't email him, read or re-read D&E. It's still quite current.

And In the Beginning...

by Tony DaSilva

From the article:

I’m on my second pass through Bjarne Stroustrup’s "The Design And Evolution Of C++". In the book...

CppCon 2014 videos online

From the CppCon blog:

2014 Videos Online

We are announcing the CppCon Channel on YouTube with the first uploads of our video from CppCon 2014.

Our first videos feature our three keynote presentations from Bjarne Stroustrup, Mark Maimone, and Mike Acton; as well as our opening and closing plenary sessions from Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter. 

Over the next few weeks we’ll be uploading videos of most of the conference sessions including panels, lightning talks, and over one hundred sessions from the six tracks that made up the core of our conference program. The first two of our regular session uploads are from Michael Caisse and Thomas Rodgers.

We’d like to thank the speakers for allowing these sessions to be recorded and shared and Bash Films for the production of these videos.