Awaiting for the ranges: C++17 - Ivan Cukic - @meetingcpp 2015
A new video from Meeting C++ 2015:
Awaiting for the ranges: C++17
by Ivan Cukic
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Mar 5, 2016 05:32 AM | Tags: ranges performance monads meetingcpp intermediate experimental coroutines c++17 advanced
A new video from Meeting C++ 2015:
Awaiting for the ranges: C++17
by Ivan Cukic
By Jordi Mon Companys | Feb 3, 2015 07:48 AM | Tags: stl monads continuation-ready algorithms
Monads in use, finally!!
Snail | Continuation-ready algorithms from STL algorithms
by Manu Sánchez
From the article:
Snail is my try to get a continuation-ready set of algorithms to operate on C++ containers, but instead of reinventing all the algorithms, addapting them through a continuation monad (or something resembling a continuation monad).