
C++ 20: The Core Language--Rainer Grimm

Many changes for the better.

C++ 20: The Core Language

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

My last post C++20: The Big Four started with an overview of concepts, ranges, coroutines, and modules. Of course, C++20 has more to offer. Today, let's continue my overview of the core language...

CppCon 2018: Nano-coroutines to the Rescue! (Using Coroutines TS, of Course)--G. Nishanov

We’re in the final countdown to this year’s CppCon, which starts on September 16. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, here’s another of the top-rated talks from last year. Enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2019!

Nano-coroutines to the Rescue! (Using Coroutines TS, of Course)

by G. Nishanov

Summary of the talk:

Are you doing memory lookups in a huge table?
Does your embarrassingly random access to your lookup tables lead to memory stalls?

Fear no more!

We will explore techniques that allow us to do useful work while the prefetcher is busily working on bringing the requested cache lines from main memory, by utilizing nano-coroutines.

And the best part, nano-coroutines can be easily implemented using Coroutines TS that is already available in MSVC and Clang compilers. With a little bit of library support we can utilize the coroutines to extract intra-thread parallelism and quadruple the speed up your lookups.

Comparisons in C++20--Barry Revzin

Get familiar with it, it's coming and it's going to help you!

Comparisons in C++20

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

Now that the Cologne meeting is over and we’ve more or less finalized (at least before the NB comments come in) C++20, I wanted to take the time to describe in detail one of the new language features we can look forward to. The feature is typically referred to as operator<=> (defined in the language as “three-way comparison operator” but more colloquially referred to as “operator spaceship”), but I think it has broader scope than that.

We’re not just getting a new operator, we’re significantly changing the semantics of how comparisons work at a language level...

std::format in C++20--Victor Zverovich

Just great!

std::format in C++20

by Victor Zverovich

From the article:

I’m happy to announce that the Text Formatting proposal (std::format) made it into the C++20 Committee Draft at the Cologne meeting, just in time before the feature freeze. This concludes a three-year long design, implementation, and standardization effort.

Here’s a brief history of the proposal aka “what took you so long?”...